MovieChat Forums > Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009) Discussion > I love how they give you a sense of loss...

I love how they give you a sense of loss/failure...

...after you talk and get to know some of the guards and then they die on you when you disappear for a while.

Time to hurt demon feelings!-





He was a doucher though. The only guard who deserved to die.


Agreed, that guy deserves no sympathy. Especially one that hits Gordon.

Time to hurt demon feelings!-


To be fair, Joker TOLD him he was going to kill him. "Oh, really need to learn to keep that fat mouth shut. It'll get you into trouble." Note that Boyle died with his mouth wide open.

And THAT is where babies come from.


wow i didn't even catch that. I was even paying attention to that line on my second playthrough

Natural laws are overrated


Just came to me when I was reading this thread, actually. I remember most of Joker's lines, really. They're just so memorable. Especially that part where Joker asks you what you're afraid of. "Failing to save this cesspool of a city? Not getting to the Commissioner in time? Me? In a THONG?! AAAAAHH Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

And THAT is where babies come from.


I liked how brutal The Joker can be. Like when he just tosses that cop into the electrified water.

That poor kid was a trainee to boot. But there are times when you go through a lot to save someone only to have them killed. The maintenance guy and doctor you save in the aviary for one. But the real sense of loss was finding Gordon dead(or so you thought).

When you steal from Peter and give to Paul, you will always have the support of Paul.


"I liked how brutal The Joker can be. Like when he just tosses that cop into the electrified water."

There's a way to avoid that from happening. Go to the power room BEFORE you follow Harley's trail into the flooded room. Once you shut down the power and leave the room, you'll hear Joker say over the PA, "well aren't you the persistant one? Always staying one step ahead." Go to the flooded room and it just shows Joker walking away.


Only time I really felt that was when Dr. Young dies

I am vengeance. I am the night. I AM BATMAN!!
I'm the best at what I do


Only time I really felt that was when Dr. Young dies

The only time I didn't feel it at all was when Dr. Young and Frank Boles die. After all, they were both largely responsible for the deaths of all their co-workers. It affected me most when you find the bodies of regular guards and doctors lying around, with the body count rising as the game progresses. Especially when every civilian you rescue is killed moments after you leave them.

The games afoot. Follow your spirit and upon this charge cry God for Harry,England,and St. George

