At The Very Beginning

When Joker breaks free, he chokes out the guard but appears only to kick the doctor in the crotch. How does this kill the doctor?

I'm happier than a puppy with 2 peters



The Joker in TDK had knives pop from the front of his shoes, makes you think :)

In other words, Steven Segal is too strong for you and you give up.
-- Topoz


But those knives would have been detected in secure transport.

Donny! We got a German here who wants to die for country. Oblige him.


Kicking a man in the crotch is like pressing the self destruct button on a nuclear warhead.

I have a policy about my opinion and an arse kicking: If someone asks for it, I give it to them.


"But those knives would have been detected in secure transport."

Items were detected, remember? But they all assumed it was Batman.


Nevermind that, how did he get out of the cuffs?
He chokes the guard (with the cuffs), kicks the doc in the meat n' 2 veg. 2 seconds later, his hands are fee.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.
