Help! stuck in a stupid area

This may be a dumb question, but non of the walkthroughs I read cover this. I just beat Croc and got the spores. Now I'm trying to get to the batcave, but a giant vine is blocking the entrance. I've seen a walkthrough on youtube where the vine isn't even present, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to make the antidote.


Which way did you go? If you went back through Intensive Treatment, you went the wrong way. What you should have done was after leaving Croc's lair is go off to the right to the landing, kill the Joker teeth, go through the door, make a quick left, fight off some goons, and go through the opening you came through earlier.


I think I did go through the opening (climbed through the vent to go outside after fighting croc/goons)but when I go acros the rock bridge, there's a giant vine blocking the cave entrance


You must have gone the wrong way because the vines don't even appear near the Batcave until AFTER Batman makes the antidote.
