Am I The Only One

Who thinks the whole Ivy angle kills the game?

Donny! We got a German here who wants to die for country. Oblige him.


I didn't mind Ivy. But I have to admit that part where you have to collect the antidote from the plant spores while Killer Croc chases you was quite annoying.


Ivy was one of the best things in the game. I love killing those giant plants of hers. I love how her plants wreck the island.

She was also the hardest boss in the game.



I only wish Ivy was portrayed in Batman and Robin as well as she was in the game.


Ivy is quite easy to defeat. Just quick baterang her to death and when she sends minions after you, just counter them. I beat her with relative ease even on hard.

Donny! We got a German here who wants to die for country. Oblige him.


You're a real pro then, because she's the trickiest boss in the game, IMO. She's easy enough to beat now, but back when the game first came out, she was one tough momma.



I defeated her in two goes, it's really all about timing.
And I'm no pro, I play maybe two games a year, if that.

I find Poison Ivy to be particularly cheesecake in this game and I never found her that interesting.


She was also the hardest boss in the game.

Was she?
I suppose when all the bosses are too easy, yeah she was.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Poison Ivy was definitely the hardest boss in the game. Once you master the strategy to beat the first Titan boss in Intensive Treatment, then you can take on any Titan boss easily, as well as Bane. But Ivy was a whole different ball game. She fired pods at you, had thorny vines spring from the ground to strangle you. She also had henchmen attack you while all this was going on.

The only way you can hurt her is through batarang action. Much more difficult than any of the Titan bosses, and the garden variety brawl fight with regular henchmen on Titan Joker's final level.


Actually, Ivy was quite easy to me. All you do is avoid the vines, you pepper Ivy with quick Baterangs, and just counter the hypnotized guards. I've only been knocked out once by her and that was on hard mode.


I found some of the Titan battles to be harder than the Ivy battle. The camera pretty much limits you with Ivy to left/right and the batarangs always cause damage, even if small amounts.


No way, she was a great villain to add to the game. I didn't like how the plants restricted you to where you could explore on the island though. Interfered with the treasure hunting too much because all that's left after that is the "party".

I could have done with one less Scare-crow scene.
