MovieChat Forums > 2081 (2009) Discussion > It's happening now with the Blacks and H...

It's happening now with the Blacks and Hispanics

Blacks and Hispanics need to be given "extra points" on entrance exams for everything to make up for the fact that they can't compete with Whites and Asians. So now you have a workforce that's not as smart or capable, just so the liberals can feel good about "leveling the playing field". So what happens when you get a Black doctor who got into and graduated from med school just so there will be one more Black doctor for the statistics? Not being racist, just a realist.


You are being a racist. You are also a realist.

You apparently hold the belief that "members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior". Hence, you are a racist.

Own it. Be proud of it. Don't weasel out.


I would know wether TO is a racist or not, and to be frank, since I am from The Netherlands I'm not sure wether I understand correctly or not, but it seems to me it is like this:

People of a certain ethnical group get an advantage over other people in terms of examresults.

If so, then there is being discriminated. In the end there will be more people with less capabilities in certain jobs. Because examresults should be based on intellectual capabilities rather than ethnical background.


I agree with both you and the initial poster. However, the initial poster needs to be more courageous and own up to being a racist instead of being in denial.


Again, I do not know enough of that society and rules and regulations, but what if it was put this way: if a person scores under a certain threshold of IQ points, he or she automatically gets 20 out of a hundred points 'free' on any exam. Then the subject scores 50/ 100 points on his own. Giving him/ her a score which where I live would translate to a B or B- in USA.

Now if it is the case that certain groups in USA get these 20 points for free, that would mean that lesser intellectuals take the jobs from people who are suitable for the job. It would be called positive discrimination, but weakens society.

And as I just wrote al this on my cellphone, I now realize we are in agreement over this... Have a nice day!


Read the book 'Outliers' by Malcolm Gladwell, and you will learn just how mistaken you are.


I am not going to read that book. Please tell me why I am wrong.



In the real world, the percentage of places that hire people based on IQ tests is almost zero. An IQ score isn't of much worth in itself. It only reveals how good a person is at taking IQ tests (or standardized tests in general).

I have a former friend whose IQ score is astronomically high. However he has a bunch of problems in interpersonal skills. He is brutally "honest", takes it as a violation of his character if someone disagrees with him, and expects everyone to kowtow to his needs. He's an able mathematician and computer software designer, but his tendency to blow up at coworkers and customers limit his employment opportunities.

A business would more often hire someone with a 120 IQ and gets along well with others over a person with a 190 IQ but who makes people uncomfortable. So there's no need to worry that a 20 point raise in an elective test.


A person who believes that particular races are inherently more intelligent than others is, by definition, a racist.
You're a racist. You're just too stupid to know it or too cowardly to admit it.

No race has a monopoly on intelligence, but one race in particular has a monopoly on certain resources that ultimately allow them to benefit from more social, educational and financial opportunities in this world.
That is the situation.
It would be beyond idiotic to have a race where the runners who start in the middle of the track berate those who start at the beginning of the track for coming in last.

I went to an ordinary British inner-city school which was 95% white and outshone EVERY one of my white classmates in every subject (except Geography and History, which bored me to tears and I was completely crap at).
The number of white British children who leave school semi-literate in their own language is STAGGERING, while fellow non-British classmates are fluent in English (their second or third language). Let's remember that all the lessons are conducted in English.

If I'm ever ill, I would PRAY for an African or Indian or Chinese doctor because they usually do better in school than their English counterparts.

Your bigotry will not be changed by FACTS. You will continue to believe what you WANT to believe, perhaps it makes you feel better about yourself.
Aww, there, there, diddums.


Pretty sure you are in fact a moron since you boast of your performance, declaring in fact that whites are inferior, yet still insist that performance doesn't matter because everyone is the same.
