MovieChat Forums > 2081 (2009) Discussion > Why did the woman in the end repeat her ...

Why did the woman in the end repeat her statement twice?...

I know she's dumb, but even in that context it seems kinda weird to just repeat the same sentence twice. Or am I missing something?...


she's so simple that when her husband said "you can say that again" she took it seriously and said it again.


I lol'd so hard when I read your comment... ><

Guess I missed something afteral. Thanks for clearing that up... ^^


No worries, you wont be wearing weights or headphones to send signals into your brain when you are thinking to hard.



But she's not so simple. That's the subtle but beautiful twist this team puts on Vonnegut's original. At the end she is humming the orchestra's song, despite having just said, "You should forget sad things anyway. I always do." It's an act. She doesn't forget anything, and she certainly hasn't forgotten Harrison. But if the HG can't detect her fierce intelligence and strong memory (she also perfectly hums the ballet song at the beginning while washing dishes), then she can avoid their handicaps.

Another question: Why do you suppose she springs to her feet all flustered and says, "Well, I guess I'll go get started on the dishes" and runs the water loudly and seems distracted for 10 minutes doing dishes right after we learn that Harrison has "miraculously" escaped from custody? Because she helped him. Harrison's message wasn't for Dad. It was for her.
