The ending *SPOILER*

In the last scene a wasp lands on his face while he's looking in the mirror. What is that about? Does he get stung and die, and is it supposed to have a "deeper meaning", because he got away with killing Lance or something?


i just took it as a joke and laughed. i didnt think too deeply into it



I thought maybe that "girl" knew he had alergi issues and therefore planted a wasp in his bathroom. Killing him so that there would be no evidence left, that she were the crasy one and not him...
Far fetched I know, but makes complete sense.


I thought about the practical side: he probably forgot to get a new epinephrine injection after using the other one on Mel.

Rare things happen all the time.


Has the education in this country become so poor that people can't even tell the difference between a wasp and a bee anymore?


Do you think everyone on IMDb are American? And no, I usually can't tell the difference as I don't look for it. Do you learn the difference between the appearance of a wasp and a bee in school in USA? And you still don't know where any European country is...


or how to spell

Allergy (Allergies)


hahaha way to go naarg



Yeah, what is up with the spelling? People do not care do they? They are so used to texting.
