What an AWESOME first show!!!

I just have to say that I have been watching Rachel Maddow on Keith Obermann's show for a while and I always thought she'd be perfect for her own show! Last nights premiere went above and beyond my expectations!!! I loved it!!! I hope to enjoy this wonderful show for many years to come! Congrats Rachel Maddow on the new show!


I really enjoy it when she subs for Keith - she's always well-informed, perceptive, insightful as well as witty and deep to earth. She gets things in a way a lot of other pundits just don't, plus she's realistic while staying optimistic and she can challenge ideas and positions without being antagonistic. She's the prefect antithesis to the right wing's stereotypes about "angry, out-of-touch liberals."

You can tell Keith likes working with her because she's a great source of political and social insights - when they're together you can see how he'll ask her questions to help himself better understand the topic as well as inform the audience. I appreciate how Keith has given Rachel that level respect as well as credit when she draws in the viewers.

I always felt Rachel's show on Air America kept her sequestered from a broader audience (like me, who lives in a seriously red region of the US that no longer has Air America). While I was a bit worried at first when they announced her new show (that time slot seem to be cursed, if you ask me), I thought the first show was excellent. I think she can have a very positive, very civil impact on political discussion on TV and I hope the show will be a success.

Thank you, MSNBC - Rachel rocks!

Oh yeah, and Obama/Biden in 08!!!


I've always been a fan of hers, and the new show did not disappoint. I was sorry to see Dan Abrams go, but her show is a worthy successor.

