It's PAT...

Is Mr. Buchanan aware of the inside joke in the title of 'his' feature? (One of my favorite things from the show today.)

Now, if someone can explain why Spanish is listed in the language category under the 'Additional Details' for TRMS?

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........


What I want to know is, is "It's Pat" going to be a regular or semi-regular feature? I hope so, the fur really flies when they get on the right subject!


I hope so, too. Great eye-to-eye missiles flyin' yesterday.

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........



I thought they couldn't stand each other as Rachel was obviously annoyed by a lot of the things Pat has said when they've debated in the past on other show's. Glad i was wrong. I wonder if Joe Scarborough will ever be on her show, they too have had some heated debates.

Team Obama/Biden!
