Smug, Self-Satisfaction

While I agree with the majority of her opinions, I personally can't stand this woman. Her sarcasm, her glibness, it all really rubs me the wrong way.

And Chris Hayes is the male version of her. Dead ringer, but with a dink.


Actually, tonight's show she was fantastic


I agree on Rachel, but Chris Hayes is absolutely fantastic and the only reason to watch cable news, period.


We'll have to agree to disagree. She's the best thing on MSNBC. She's smart, witty, and yes, she does have a bit of sarcasm, but it's entirely appropriate to whatever story she's covering. And another thing she does that you rarely see news reporters/personalities do. When she's wrong about something, she goes on the air and admits it.


I personally can't stand this woman. Her sarcasm, her glibness, it all really rubs me the wrong way.

My take on her exactly. I've tried and tried to watch her but have just given up. It seems everything is about trashing the GOP and/or conservatives. That seems to be all that's important. I've tuned in during some breaking news crisis expecting to get her take on it but nope, there she is once again focusing on something some Republican did that she feels is wrong.

"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
