for putting that a-hole Pat Buchanan in his place on you show tonight. He had it coming.


Mr. Buchanan did bring up a few good points, but I can't help wondering if he saw the interview afterward and thought, "Holy sheet, I sounded like a nutcase!"


I gotta agree...and thanks for the facts check up that showed that most of the details he spewed were utter b.s.

Get yer cursor off my spoilers !


Well, that's all well and good, but now it's time to thank Maddow for something entirely different -- for finally curing America of any need to watch any sort of cable "News" especially her "Flashing Breaking News" for hours on end to be continued tomorrow and the next day and next week and what not.

Now, clearly she has a huge staff of fellow producers, whom she likely oversees, to set her idea of the correct spin on any tidbits of "Breaking News," which pre-empties her "News" of the day, so when she takes time off here and there, a substitute may pick up to become the Maddow of the hour.

So, that's what has happened when Kornish Steve substituted her Maddow a couple of weeks back, going into her white cop shoots black perpetrator mode, to purport to stir up riots all around the country, to cause terrorist cells to target and to kill law enforcement officers all over the land.

Needless to say, this is the last and final episode of this anti-police propaganda which any upstanding citizen ought ever to follow.

She and her misguided network promote Maddow as "The smartest person on television" -- which isn't saying very much -- but that egomaniac trip really goes to her head -- when it proves how heartless that network really has become.

Why, this year alone, she and her network have excessively promoted their Sanders agenda and very clearly have tortured the Clinton campaign, feeding many lies and interrupting any Hillary news with their favored Sanders, Trump and Cruz propganda of the hour.

True that long-term Democrats favor abolishing firearms, we do full well know that no, Miss Maddow, long-standing staunch and dedicated Democrats do not approve of abortion, but are tolerant of equal rights even though your team does not favor equal right a'tall, but rather rights to your favored spinter groups at the peril of hard-working Americans everywhere.

So, While MSNBC has been trashing itself from end to end, they brought down a once interesting program to the low levels of its other "News" prgrams, and Miss Maddow has done nothing to prevent herself a party to her own downward spiral of worthless controversy.

But thank you once again, before bidding adieu, Rachel, for teaching us a lesson in discernment of what not to watch, and that would have to be any sort of cable "News" programming, not that local "News" nor C-Span has anything positive to brag about, either--to wit, their arrogance toward ignoring that great Chris Murphy.

If Sheridan were here, he'd be appalled.


That is really, really true!

hmmm  - especially about the not knowing your fans part - even though nobody ever came up to me to ask what kind of fan I can get to be - or maybe somebody did and I don't remember, right?

Then one night - while looking up at the sky - there was this flying thing or maybe it could have been legit - because it had some flashing lights, right? - And then it soars directly through the handle of the Little Dipper!

That could have been like really morbid! - But when I went to watch the news - it was not even mentioned! - I thought maybe the Network reporters were on vacation or something - but not even Rachel mentions one word of that potential catastrophe!

She was flashing those "Late Breaking New" banners about something whatever happened the week before! - not a word about any damage to the flying object! - not even about any damage to the handle of the Little Dipper!

Like what kind of news is that, right? - Okay - so maybe inthe city - they can't see the sky because of all of those streetlights. - Okay - but what if whatever that Little Dipper was holding spilled all over the place? - Then Rachel would really be sorry for missing the scoop on that one!

Have to say - I might watch it if they could ever figure out what is going on with that Bridgegate mess - but who needs any Late Breaking News - when it all happened like three years ago - and nobody still knows what is going on out there!?

Sure, Steve is hot - but that doesn't make him any brighter than he was when he was like four - and just starting to ask questions around New Jersey! - And all of that dimness and blankness really knows how to cool flames of hotness anyway - because he's been covering that story all this time and still doesn't know how to connect the dots and dashes.

 Mellow Salutations!
