
So, he is listed in the cast. Anyone have any more information? I don't mind spoilers. I'm just curious. He have to take a match at WM...


i thought he would have a great last match but the rumble has come and gone, NWO is round the corner and he hasnt been on raw so obviously no match is being pushed....he will no doubt do his usual boring routine of coming down during a match, beer, stunner, beer, stunner, leave....such a shame

No Justice Just Us



Rumor is that Austin will face Orton at WM. No joke. This will be a similar finish to the Austin/Bret Hart match that while Austin didn't win, took his career to the next level.


I Hope He face Taker and break His record


would be freaking awesome. does sound like it could happen also.


It will be Austin VS Jericho but i would like to see Austin vs Undertaker and beet his streak
