This movie was tough

I'm usually a pretty strong minded guy and it takes a hell of a lot to get me emotional. But this movie did it. It really got to me and made me choke up several times. Claire Danes was absolutely EXCELLENT and this was one of the finest performances I've ever seen.

I'd never heard of Temple Grandin before. But after watching this, and doing some research about her, she is nothing less than a hero. How she learned to live with autism and accomplish so many great thing is remarkable. I think about all my problems, how I view the world and other people sometimes ... and Temple's story puts it in all perspective.

I can't stress enough how wonderful Claire Danes was, and what a tremendous story this is.

Thank you Ms. Danes, Mick Jackson, Christopher Monger, and William Merritt Johnson. You did it right. It's a movie I will never forget.


I was trying to think of how I would start a post of how I felt about this movie.

Blitz, you did it for me. I agree, I confirm, I second your thoughts on this film.

Temple Grandin had such a passion for her visions. For her to put it to work in the field that she did is just amazing.

I'm willing to bet that this movie only touched the surface of what she has accomplished, and who (animals, and other autistic people and families)she has helped in her lifetime.

I've never experienced such a prolonged emotional status than I have in from this movie. From the moment Temple said "nature is cruel, but we don't have to be", I was in tears for pretty much the rest of the movie. I came almost halfway through the movie, so I missed some, but it was incredible.

I'll be doing more "research" into Temple Grandin's life and accomplishments.


Even harder for me since I have Asperger's and related to just about everything she went through.

She doesnt how lucky she is to be able to find a subject of research and develop so much knowledge on it. I cant find one thing to obsess or focus on and I'm dumb as a rock.


I wasn't in a hurry to watch this movie because I thought it would be too heavy. Turns out it was surprisingly easy to take in. Mostly because of Danes' incredibly charming performance. That's not to say I didn't get a little misty a couple of times. :) Hell, all it takes is one look at Julia Ormond and those big gorgeous eyes and I'm a goner.

If it pays right and it's legal, I'll do it.
.......Well......if it pays right, I'll do it.


This movie was seriously awesome. I've been doing some research on Austism for my psycology class, specfially how it is portrayed in the media, and I'm definatly using parts of this movie as an example. This movie is so well done and everyone was excellent!


Don't feel bad. I'm a guy and this movie made me almost start crying several times. I was mesmorized by Claire Danes.


I can't add anything to the praise this movie has garnered, but I do want to comment on the editing. It was absolutely stunning the way the film editors and unit directors enclosed us in the mind of Temple. it was seamless yet you knew you were in for the ride of your life. Any other group of filmmakers would have thrown it together like a mess of "Family Guy" comedy blackout sequences. But this talented team knew what they had and took it to the level reached by few. Very few.

I actually watched this for two reasons. I happen to know a neighbor of Temple's in Fort Collins Colorado, and I have been trying to follow David Strathairn's career ever since his flawless portrayal of Edward R. Morrow. I was not disappointed on either count. Hear hear, hail Temple Grandin !
