Where do they GO?

Where do they GO? A simple question yet the answer is so complex. I think of this often after seeing Temple Grandin. Such is the mystery of life and death.


I think of it like turning the power off on a computer with a volatile memory. Even if you could get it restarted you wouldn't be able to regain the memories that make a person human.


Or maybe it's like the computer's hard drive... even though the power is not on, the memories, the thoughts, the information is all still stored somewhere.


Q: Where does my picture go when I shake the Etch-a-Sketch?

A: It doesn't go anywhere... It's still inside the Etch-a-Sketch.




What I thought was interesting about her asking this question a number of times is it pointed out she actually had a better understanding of this phenomenon than a lot of people who do not suffer from autism.

She had no idea what happened and was left wondering. Yet, she was able to move on from it fine and chose to focus on the positive memories she held of anything that had passed, whether it was a cow, the horse she bonded with, or her science teacher.

Compare this to many others who claim to know what happens to us after we expire and yet in actuality have such a difficult time dealing with death.



Thingading, you expressed it best.


Barbecue Heaven?

"They sucked his brains out!"


At the end of the movie, Temple said that it was thinking about that question that brought her close to G-d.


I think this was Temple's greatest motivation- thinking about her own mortality, and wanting to make a major difference to the people she becomes acquainted to and the people who are affected by her lectures, teachings and inventions. Propagating her thoughts and her actions so that they may live on to eternity, instead of dying with her own demise.....



This is a hard thing to explain to anyone. My dad died when I was 8 and I remember being just as confused by death as she was. I knew what it was, I knew what it meant (mostly), but acceptance and true understanding came later. Although I still wonder why, at times.

Just cuz u think my opinions r wrong doesn’t magically make ur’s right. Stupid trollz...


The question is: WHERE DO THEY GO?!???

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.
