MovieChat Forums > Temple Grandin (2010) Discussion > Wow, Claire Danes, I didn't see that com...

Wow, Claire Danes, I didn't see that coming.

Both Claire and Julia Ormond were exquisite in their respective roles.


I so agree with you, what an outstanding performance, I just saw an Interview of Temple Grandin and her voice, the speech was almost identical.



Dane's work has always been impressive, but her portrayal of Grandin (and Dane's TG performance overall) was remarkable to say the least. The Emmy was very well deserved, and it was good to see that Grandin was present at the ceremony as well.

Maximus: Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?


Ok - I confess to being a little biased since I have had a bit of a thing for Claire since Romeo+Juliet which several films including Stardust really cemented - but even if I put that aside she was fantastic in this film.
Why is it that sometimes the most beautiful actresses have to play 'plain' (or even ugly) characters to get respect?

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


That's a pretty *beep* up thing to say about Temple, blaircam. What a vapid thing to say.


I assume you are being sarcastic Joe...
I doubt even Temple would suggest she was anything other than plain.
While I'm here, 'vapid' means lacking in liveliness or spirit. It does not mean shallow, superficial or even judgemental.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."



I agree. They all did an amazing job, really.

Just cuz u think my opinions r wrong doesn’t magically make ur’s right. Stupid trollz...


My vicarious love affair with Claire began as I watched her in Brokedown Palace. In hindsight--I now realize that my first impression was just puppy love--and my adoration for Temple Grandin is the real deal.

Movie contains a minimum 30 percent post-consumer content.


Really amazing performance and it really puts her in the big league of serious actors as oppossed to pretty movie stars many of whom seem interchanable with each other. Claire Danes really has gone way up in my estimation. This is as good as (if not better) than anything Streep/Hofffman et al have produced.


With Temple Grandin and Homeland, Danes is one of the most talented working actresses working today.


Agreed. This is a masterful performance. A lesser actor would have fallen back on easy tics and mannerisms, while Danes calibrates her performance to perfection. Also worth noting is the talented David Strathairn. He is always good, but especially impressive in Matewan, Limbo and Good Night, and Good Luck.


An exceptional performance! She blew me away with this movie. She is truly talented.

2 cute 2 listen!


Agreed. I just saw this movie for the first time the other day, and by the halfway point I was thinking, "I really hope Danes was at least nominated for an Emmy for this."

Turns out she won, so good.


Claire Danes is great in most of the roles she plays, all the way back when I first saw her freshman year in high school during "My So Called Life".

If you're not taking any steps forward, you're not moving at all.
