Those stupid rednecks

Did they get fired for ruining the cattle dip machine she worked so hard to build?


I just watched this movie last night and I wondered the same thing. After the incident, the movie sort of just moves on.
But with the cattle magazine printing that her work was a masterpiece and the guy in charge seeming to be in agreement, I was wondering what became of the situation.

Did the company continue to use her work?
And were the backwards redneck country *beep* disciplined in anyway for their ignorance?

Are you a bug Bill Murray?


I was impressed that when her arguments for the humane treatment of cattle fell on deaf ears, Ms. Grandin so deftly switched to an argument about how inefficient the old ways of doing things were in terms of time wasted and cattle lost. And her work-arounds for getting into places were she "wasn't supposed to be" really showed her drive, ambition and cleverness.

Besides the cowboys being such idiots, I was surprised that her college classmates gave her such a hard time. High school kids acting like can be expected. But I'd have expected college kids to be more accepting of people who are "different."


She went to college in Texas.

Plus it was for animal husbandry.

So you can imagine the student population you're dealing with.


What a weird way of looking at it. Shouldn't you fault her for using the stupid arguments to begin with? How logical is it to argue on the basis of kindness to animals when you are presenting to a bunch of businessmen? She screwed up her presentation to begin with. So I hardly think you should be so kind to her in her successful attempt to salvage it.


I was impressed that when her arguments for the humane treatment of cattle fell on deaf ears, Ms. Grandin so deftly switched to an argument about how inefficient the old ways of doing things were in terms of time wasted and cattle lost. And her work-arounds for getting into places were she "wasn't supposed to be" really showed her drive, ambition and cleverness.

Besides the cowboys being such idiots, I was surprised that her college classmates gave her such a hard time. High school kids acting like that is to be expected. But I'd have though college kids would be more accepting of people who are "different."


Those rednecks are dumber than the cows they work with.


They were a bunch of idiots so ingrained in how things work they couldn't see any other way than what had been done for all their lives.
He lifts me clear to the sky, you know he taught me to fly.


They were a bunch of idiots so ingrained in how things work they couldn't see any other way than what had been done for all their lives.

not to mention that, to admit that her designs were sound and would work also required admitting that the cattle they were slaughtering were thinking, feeling creatures, can't have that...not that it would probably change any of the cowboys' opinions about slaughtering them, but if it got out to the beef-purchasing public and caught on...


If *I* had owned that place, spent all that money to build that design and seen it in action at the "preview" I would have fired the arse of every arsewhole that had a hand in changing it.

I understand that she had them remove the steel plates and put it all back. Then once they saw it in action working the way it was designed to work, they were surprised it worked but no longer interfered. I'm sure their jobs also depended on using the original design as intended.
