Stop with the audio effects

I doubt anyone connected with the production of this show ever checks IMDb for what people think but at least I'll get this off my chest.

Please! Stop trying to augment the audio with added effects. It's annoying to hear the same girls scream at EVERY disaster. How do they manage to be everywhere -- and on mic, too?

Every time there's a professional drag race someone feels the need to add the sound of a car burning out from a traffic light. It's no wonder they wreak because they're never "hooked up." It's distracting to hear sounds one would never hear at the track.

When did they invent external microphones for helicopters? How can we hear screeching tires and collisions from a couple thousand feet and over the engine noise? Plus, how is it that every guy describing the chase from in the copter has exactly the same voice?

Wait a minute... That's it! The one guy is using the helicopter to transport the screaming girls between disasters and using the magical mic to pick up their shrill cries. Yeah... right.

Get lost in the world. Destiny Calls.
