MovieChat Forums > War Wolves (2009) Discussion > Martin Kove's Speachus interuptus

Martin Kove's Speachus interuptus

Nothing can spoil this movie but spoiler warning anyway if you have not seen this movie.

Martin Kove (Karate Kid/Cagney&Lacy fame) shows up in shadow for one seen forshadowing his deadly intent. when he returns again he gives a loooong winded speech and then just as he gets to the punch line ..."and you know what she said?" POW! Dead. Holy crap. What was the point of that? Anybody? It would have been worth it if one of the people listening would have said to the killers... "You couldn't wait five more seconds?" It might be the only suspense in the movie.

"There will be no speeches with satisfying conclusions in the dojo!!!"


I was hoping that was going to be in the special features. Also the drunk old lady's story was unfinished.

Also the actual film didn't really have any kind of resolution. Did the crazy ex kill the blonde girl who wouldn't shut up at the bar? Did young Lorenzo Lamas hook up with his ex? Why did the bad guys look like elves with sunburn?


I was greatly amused by the sudden, terminal interruption.
