Part that made you say, 'YEAH RIGHT!'

I bought everything else guys.

When those small dogs, strapped with Rocket Jets, rescued Alex and The Jaquar from falling they didn't have any harnesses or ropes of any kind.

You MEAN TO TELL ME that those little dogs were able to hold Alex's and Gia weight by simply holding on to their fur.

I don't think so
NO. NO. and NO.


I was wondering why the gaping plot hole of the four swimming easy as pie to Monte Carlo but not simply swimming to New York was left as wide open as it was. I know it's a kids movie, and I know the point is to get them to Europe and the circus as quickly as possible, but I find that bit an inexcusable piece of sloppy writing and film making for any kind of film. Why not have them decide to try to swim or raft to New York, and oh, I don't know... get caught up in a storm of some kind that effects their course and washes them up in Europe instead? Hmm... I also don't understand why they hired J. Chastain, a girl from California to do a horrible French (Italian?) accent for the part of Gia. Why not just hire a French (Italian?) actress who speaks English? Ratatouille did the same thing when Janeane Garafolo (spell check) was cast as a French girl. Not knocking the actresses themselves, a job is a job and voice overs seem fun, but it just seems silly on the studios to do it that way. The same goes for Martin Short in this. Roberto Benigni would have been perfect for Stefano, but they went with a weird accent being needlessly yelled at as instead.


Ok, so you bought everything else: the talking zoo animals, the talking circus animals, the planning & execution they created, the fact that they built a plane that actually flew, the organization and planning of a whole new circus, the winnings from gambling at a premier casino (b'cuz just anyone can go and play roulette and win big at a major casino), and using pyro technics.
But that was the ONE thing you didn't buy. Speaking of selling...I have a bridge that spans a major river with great traffic flow for sale, you wanna buy that?

I do hope the post was supposed to be in sarcastic font. As will be mine. :)

