What this movie taught me

Drugs are cool, drug dealers are heroes, and anyone not agreeing with a drug free-for-all is a mook.

This was not so much a documentary as it was a commercial.


Congrats, the point of this movie went completely over your head.


So what was the point, exactly?

Working in the movie business since -92


Go watch it again and figure it out, are you really that dense or did you just not watch the film before you bothered to comment.


In other words, you can't explain the point of this lazy ass documentary, other than it being a commercial.


Oh, but we can explain it to you but we cannot understand it for you. Its beyond clear that you have an emotional and political investment in not grasping the obvious.

A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence. - David Hume


Stop being so pretentious and explain what you perceived to be the meaning of this movie instead.


Stop being so stupid and comprehend the obvious.

A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence. - David Hume


In other words, you have no idea.

Working in the movie business since -92


FFS some one needs to spit it out.

The documentary styles it's self as a guide.
It starts by showing drug dealing as simple and profitable.
It then delves into the depth of the trade.
From there it moves to a cautionary tail.
And in the mix there is a commentary about the origins and progress of the failing drug war.

The reason that it occurs in this order is so that it doesn't leave drug dealing or use sounding like a good idea.

I can't imagine anyone watching the whole thing and not agreeing but that's my 2 cents.


How is this movie a cautionary tale from the perspective of the drug dealers? They're either the coolest kids on the block or we're supposed to feel sorry for them.


They started that way, and though they made it out they all suffered run ins, jail time addition before quitting.


Oh yeah, they're really suffering in the movie...

It's funny how this movie didn't bring up the suffering of the addicts and their loved ones.

Working in the movie business since -92


look, the point of the film is to show that the war on drugs is a complete and utter failure.

we are doing far more damage to society by engaging in the so called war on drugs than if all drugs were legal.

the drug dealers are/were not heroes. they are, for the most part, victims/pawns caught up in the drug wheel just like everybody else.

the only ones who gain from the drug war are those who sit at the very top of the pyramid and have businesses/empires based upon this phony war that can never be won.

just watch the hbo series boardwalk empire to see who wanted and benefited the most from prohibition; the mafia and their corrupt government partners.

the hypocrisy of the drug war goes much further than what this documentary shows. many of the world's major international banks have knowingly laundered drug cartel money. when they are caught, nobody goes to jail and nobody gets shut down. they simply pay a small fine and continue with their business.

in the same way that dick cheney benefited by his involvement with Halliburton, other politicians benefit by being involved with the private prison industry and the billions in federal aid that is handed out to the states.

an exact copy of the drug war is the so called war on terror. it's another war that can never be won. but that won't stop our country from turning into a police state that allows those at the top to again benefit financially from stripping our civil liberties and oppressing the masses all in the name of national security.

our country is broken.


Well put.

Does this make any sense to you, shanayneigh?


Zodiac23 nailed it! Nice job.


Could not have put it better myself, also, note shanayneigh has not replied....


Can't answer the question......


I agree
