Norm is Meta

Ok children, let me explain the joke:

Bob Sagat is a hilarious comedian. Filthy.
Bob Sagat is on a show called Full House. It isn't funny. Bob knows this. He gets a paycheck.
Bob Sagat is on a show called America's Funniest Home Videos. It isn't funny. None of the videos are funny. Bob knows this. He gets a paycheck.
Norm MacDonald does Bob Sagat's roast. Everyone else tells funny jokes on purpose. Norm tells the worst jokes he can possibly tell in the worst delivey possible JUST LIKE BOB SAGAT DID ON AMERICA's FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS. He even mugs for Bob when he does it. The people who understand this (20%) die laughing. Everyone else is confused.

Norm is Meta.

Just look at his remark about "picking blueberries." Norm is hilarious. Pretending to be confused when people rag on him. I've seen his stand up.

You don't belive me, watch this:


Nonsense. Bob Saget didn't have bad delievery on AFHV, and his delivery bears no similarity to Norm's delivery. Norm read the words from a card in a monotonous voice, Saget never did that on AFHV, and he didn't use a monotonous voice. Stop making stuff up. I know AFHV was a corny show, but this had little to do with Bob Saget's delivery or demeanor. Norm is not a good comic, I've watched most of his videos on youtube and if that's what you think is funny, then I'm sure you'd love Andy Dick's comedy.

You WILL respect my AUTHORITAAAAH !!!!


Man, you're right. I loved every second of Norm's set without realizing the connection. I thought he was just doing terrible jokes for fun. I think the % that made the afv connection was way lower, maybe 1-2%. Even the comics on the stage were looking at each other in confusion. It would have hit home if he had a hand-held tape recorder with canned laughter or if at the end of his set he said something about segwaying into a commercial in the way bob would have on afv.

Norm is rad. I actually thought it was funnier before you gave us this connection. I love making unfunny jokes.

Who you callin' psycho?
-Roy Munson


Too bad no one understands this.
