MovieChat Forums > Bob Saget (2008) Discussion > Norm looked like Jimmy Stewart

Norm looked like Jimmy Stewart

He actually looked kind of handsome and not his usual goofy self


i thought he looked like billy bob thornton in mr. woodcock lol


I thought he looked like Paul Newman.

Having your book made into a movie is like seeing your oxen made into bouillon cubes. -John LeCarre


He did! He cleans up nice. I think I see what he was going for, there; it was kind of a late 50s or early 60s vibe (almost along the lines of what guys would rock back in the days of the Dean Martin roasts, but with narrower lapels). The kind of vaguely square, regular-guy sort of look, from the days when guys would wear suits casually, with no tie, as a matter of course, rather than once or twice a year to weddings and funerals. Dan Clowes calls it the "normal everyday clothes that a man would wear" look (as opposed to cargo shorts and logo t-shirts). Y'know... grownup clothes. Norm looked cool. It was really coherent, too, with the corny, square, old-fashioned jokes, and sitting there reading the paper.

