MovieChat Forums > Bob Saget (2008) Discussion > The Heath Ledger Joke

The Heath Ledger Joke

What the...?

"The Olsen twins are like Tom Green's balls, one is fake and hollow, and the other has been licked by Heath Ledger."

I'm sorry, but this is clearly just going for shock value and is completely unfunny. Had Heath Ledger and Tom Green had anything to do with one another, then it probably would've been funny, but they don't. It was blatantly obvious that Greg Giraldo was just going for shock value to try to get a laugh, and he failed miserably. It was stupid and mildly offensive.

He even had a great start to the joke, because I found the fake and hollow part funny, but then it was just like "... ok, and those are related how?"

And before anyone even starts, no, I didn't find this stupid because Heath Ledger is dead, I found it stupid because there is no connection between Tom Green and Heath Ledger. I even found the "He'd be cool with it" reaction to the crowd's silence funny. Had Greg made a Heath Ledger joke that was funny and had relevance, I probably would've even found it funny, but this was just stupid.


exactly, what is funny about Heath Ledger licking one of Tom Green's balls?


Greg Giraldo was just going for shock value to try to get a laugh, and he failed miserably. It was stupid and mildly offensive.
I didn't find this stupid because Heath Ledger is dead, I found it stupid because there is no connection between Tom Green and Heath Ledger.
Wait, you were "mildly offended" by the lack of connection between tom green and heath ledger?

I love how nobody ever has the balls to admit something offended them any more. They come on message boards to complain because they're humorless and angry, then go out of their way to deny it. What kind of sense does that make?

God Damn it in the ass


yea greg giraldo is an *beep* that joke wasnt funny. but i did like his vlasic pickle stork joke.

"I thought you might be worried about the security..of your sh!t."


Do you love it as much as I love people who just come on message boards to complain about other people who complain?

I never denied that I was offended. I admitted it was offensive. "Mildly offensive" is still offensive. I put the "mildly" part in there to make it clear that I wasn't overly offended. Get it now?


Just because someone is dead doesn't mean you can't joke about them, I thought it was alright, Heath Ledger sucking balls (Brokeback Mountain) and *beep* one of the Olsen wins (Mary Kate), don't see the issue.


I clearly said that it wasn't the fact the Ledger is dead that was the problem. It was the lack of a clear, funny connection. Of course you can still joke about someone if they're dead. My point just was that it should be funny and that there should be a clear connection, which I didn't feel there was.



The connection was between the Olsen twins and Tom Greens balls, not Heath Ledger and Tom Green. The intended victims of the joke were the Olsen twins. Ledger and Green were also made fun of. They were included to both make the joke and also tie it together.


It doesn't matter if Heath Ledger and Tom Green don't have anything to do with each other, because everything else did. The joke is making fun of Tom Green's cancerous ball and simultaneously making fun of Heath Ledger's homosexual role in Brokeback Mountain, as well as Heath Ledger's relationship with Mary-Kate Olsen.

Are those enough connections for you to get it?


I actually hadn't realized the Brokeback Mountain aspect of it, since that was a character, and Heath Ledger wasn't actually gay. It was a stretch by Giraldo then to think that everyone would get that. I still think it was a stupid and needless joke though that was just going for shock value.


i love Michael J Fox joke, about dropping coins trying put in meter. LOL


of course it was for shock value...are you aware of what a roast is. The connections were there bud.


Well, obviously you need a good grasp of pop culture to get a lot of the roast's jokes. For example, Pam was roasted about her sex tape, because it became a part of pop culture. So assuming the same thing where Brokeback Mountain's quotes, e.g. "I just can't you!" too became a big part of pop culture (just less time has passed), it is by no means a stretch for the audience.


Yes, it certainly was a stretch to think that "everyone would get" a joke that was nominated for several Oscars.


yea that joke kicked ass. You can't play a gay cowboy and just easily get away with it.


You can't go too far in a's the purest form of comedy because there are no boundaries. And before you peg me as some person who only enjoys vulgar humor, it's quite the contrary, I rarely listen to stand up comics who use obscenities for laughs, but I don't know, roasts are in their own seperate category. I mean you have to be really clever, you can't just rely on shock value -- I think Giraldo succeeded in being clever.


it was a Brokeback Mountain joke, you idiots!!

and like Giraldo followed up with, "He would have laughed his ass off!!"

2011 Academy Award for Best Picture:
Shutter Island


now its funny... not "ha-ha", foreshadowing/self-fulfilling prophecies are funny.

