To those who've seen this

I haven't seen it yet, but my good friend has a main role in the movie and I heard he was the only decent actor in it.. He comes in about the middle of the movie and is a steady part of the story till' he gets killed at the end.. This character sound familiar to anyone?.. Thanks


If he was really ur friend then you wouldnt ask that question...and you probably would have watched the movie instead of posting stupidness


Well the movie went straight to dvd so its not like it available everywhere and I'm not a dick rider like that so the fact that I hadn't seen it doesn't mean anything. I know people who have been in way more theatrical releases than him anyway.. Get a life dude.. To the other dude: no, his character is New York Chris. When I did finally see it, I wasn't very impressed. Sorry Tito


Is your good friend, W.C. from Westside Connection?
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