This is the sequel...

...that absolutely NOBODY asked for.

Why in the f*#k would anybody in their right mind think that it was a good idea to make a sequel to a movie that was one of the stupidest things that was ever put on celluloid?

I can't even believe a studio would greenlight something like this.
What's next? Gigli Part 2? *sigh*


I was basically forced to watch the first one. Several times, actually. Ah, the joys of having a younger brother...
But this one? :D
I can't wait to see it!
I love the two guys I saw in the trailer, Kris Turner and Oliver James. LOVE THEM.
(Though I doubt anyone would know either of them unless they watch chick flicks and dramas on The N.) I'm very excited to see this. :)


Well then I now feel really sorry for you. If this is the kind of crap that you look forward to watching, then clearly you are easily entertained.


I feel sorry for YOU, that you are entertained by by heckling people who reply to your movie-bashing posts. I'd hate to see what this phoenix evolved from, if this is what rose from the ashes...


Wow that was clever. I'm sorry are you one of the people who was involved in making this movie that can only be compared to what came out of my intestines last week after I ate that burrito? Seriously...


I can never understand why people think it's a bad thing to be easily entertained.

"Wow--that guy just has too good of a time, too easily. I don't want to enjoy myself so readily. I want to be kinda blah or even just miserable most of the time. I want people to really have to work at making me the slightest bit pleased or happy, and then I want to go back to being grumpy. I feel sorry for you if you have a good time too often." --Seriously, what the hell is up with that?


Both Kristopher and Oliver were terribly wasted in this movie. This was obviously something done just for the money for both of them, and there can't even have been that much money involved.

Their names were the only reason I watched this, and sadly, the movie was nowhere near as good as they were. This will ultimately be something they both try to bury on their resumes (which is saying something given Kristopher Turner was in David DeCocteau's The Brotherhood III). Oliver James will be tormented by images of him trying to pry a CGI squirrel off of his nose for the rest of his natural life.

Sadly, there were brief instances where the movie clicked, and where there were glimmers of potential. Then there'd be a jarring transition to something unbelievably awful again. With some writers whose talent matched that of the actors, there could have been a fun movie here. Replace Jerry Rice's character of "Hal Gore" and, well, the cue card-reading performance of Jerry Rice, with, say, Al Gore himself, and a big reveal could have served as one of the funniest parts of the movie rather than slam it to a halt. Tone down Nigel, add some character growth, some more city boys in the woods jokes, replace the climactic fight scene with a more clever confrontation and victory, remember that cell phones shouldn't work in the middle of the woods, and... heck, anyone here could devote ten minutes to the script and make it about three times better than what it was, sadly.


actually, Gigli 2 is in production right now. Ben Affleck and J-Lo are not in it... this time it's a couple of no-namers. I bet you'll love it Phoenix! Well, at least you'll watch it and trash it online...
