Help! Help! Help!

I was out of town for two weeks and programmed my DVR to record, but when I got back I realized that I did not do it correctly and only recorded the last five episodes. I went to to get a summary of the six episodes I didn't record so I pretty much have an idea of what I missed. Today I watched the first episode of the five I recorded and need help with something.

In this episode, Paloma goes to the movies with a guy. She also seems to be interested in Emiliano as well. How much time has lapsed since Inaki's death? Has there been any indication that weeks or months have gone by? It just seems to me that her inerest in Emiliano has happened too soon. She claimed to have loved Inaki but it seems that too soon after his death she is looking at Emiliano differently. Between the episode in which Inaki dies and the episode I just mentioned, there have only been 5 episodes. This is why I would like to know if it was specified how much time has gone by since Inaki's death. Thanks


No they never specified how long time has passed. I'm assuming maybe a few months but it only seems like a couple of weeks and she's already over that Inaki guy. I don't know if you've ever seen this novela from the beginning but, to me, it has always seemed that she had some feelings towards Emiliano. I don't think she was in love with Inaki. I think she was in love with the idea of leaving her tyrant home that her Aunt Carlota was ruling. She saw Inaki as a way out of that place and then saw how much he loved her so she started loving him also. This is just my opinion though.


Thanks for your reply. I agree with what you said about Paloma not being in love with Inaki but rather with the idea of leaving her Aunt Carlota and seeing Inaki as a way out. I know someone that lived in a very similar situation as Paloma. Her father was a total tyrant and she ran off with the first guy that ever paid attention to her. She claimed to be in love with him and married him after only 5 months of secretly dating. 19 years later they are still married but just barely. To me it is obvious that there is no love and this is something I noticed not too long after they married. I think they are still together because of their children and because they are used to eachother although once in a while there is talk of divorce. I wonder if Paloma and Inaki would have fallen out of love soon after they were married, once the novelty of it all had worn off. Any thoughts on this?


Hmmm... Well this is kind of tough but I think maybe Paloma and Inaki would end up like your friend. Inaki actually seemed to be madly in love with Paloma but I think she would of figured out that her feelings for him aren't as strong as his feelings for her. She would of probably stayed with him because it's conventional and he loves her very much. She wouldn't want to hurt his feelings so she would probably stay with Inaki.


I think it was a couple of months, but I also think that in the normal way of things Paloma is not old enough to marry.

Unless we're talking about a Jailbreak Marriage, which is what this looked like.

I think that Paloma could have been happy with Inaki, but she is clearly intended to end up with Emiliano, but not before Rumina has made numerous attempts at screwing this up.

The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.
