Netflix Release

I've been dying to see this movie. I've read around the internet that it was supposed to be released on Netflix streaming titles August 2nd, 2011, but this has proved to be untrue. Just curious if anybody had any insight into a Netflix release.



They've got this one listed as available to add on DVD, but no date yet as to when. Hopefully it will eventually be on there...streaming would be excellent. You'd think it would be a great way to give more of an audience to a film like this that seems to have some positive responses but very limited distribution.


It's finally available on Netflix Instant Play. If you had it saved to your DVD queue as "The Mother of Invention" you'll have to search again because they added the playable movie as "Mother of Invention."

I enjoyed it, and it was pretty much exactly what I expected. Hopefully it'll find an audience and get some good reviews on there. A couple days after appearing on the site and it's currently at a 2.2/5. I'll be giving it a 4.
