yeh this wont last

I'm a 400 year old vampire and My life insurance policy has just ran out


I agree...It seems very...scattered.


Easy Money looks good.. I hope..

I'm a 400 year old vampire and My life insurance policy has just ran out


It's horrible! I'm nearly through the pilot, and not one moment was worthwhile. It's exceedingly irritating, and the casting is dreadful! Not one person brings anything to the role although they seem to believe they're wonderful. What a pitiful pilot! How did the network fall for that? I guess CW must be desperate.



The Greek Gods in our time is an interesting idea not sure about this plot though. Maybe a Sabrina like show where the younger gods and goddesses want to know more about mortal life.

I will watch this while it lasts.


It seems like a cute idea but the execution isn't really doing it for me. Seems to be all about sex and very little about real love, despite hat they are trying to tell us ....


i really liked the show
i wish this was real life
i am 33 and still single
have been unlucky in love my whole life
i love this show
actually if you live in LA
KTLA morning news from 7-10 visited the set
and talked with the stars
it was awesome
the set is amazing
the inside for outside really looks outside
i like autumn reeeser from oc
she is great in this


