Deaf Actor??

Unless I missed something, the actress playing Sam is hearing. How hard would it have been to simply hire a Deaf actress? Not very.


What's wrong with a hearing person acting the part of a deaf person? That's what acting is all about.


This is why a lot of deaf actors have a hard time finding work. The hearing gets it first.


A deaf actress shouldn't get the role just because she is deaf. Sounds like he had it down to two actresses for the part when she came in and blew them away with her audition.

The best actress/actor should get the part, nothing else should matter in a fair world.


Her signing was utterly horrendous, which made the movie very unpalatable for Deaf viewers. All the more reason to hire a Deaf actor.



Not to rehash an old topic but her mother did not allow her to use sign language so she should not had been fluent in ASL.
