MovieChat Forums > The Last Seven Discussion > HELP I didn't understand it (spoilers)

HELP I didn't understand it (spoilers)

1 ---- So, who was the parent of the kidnapped child? Was it Henry or the guy with the bomb (can't remember character's name)?

2 ---- I didn't see any flashes or hear any dialogue on ransom (unless I missed it, which is very possible). What was the motive for the bombing?

3 ---- Why did they kidnap the child to begin with? I don't know how he would know about the accidental killing of the child or who the kidnappers were if it was covered up? They didn't seem wealthy, so I don't understand why.

4 ---- Anyone understand the ending/final shot? Is he (the reporter) dead and repeating his time in purgatory? Why?

I hope that I am the only idiot who saw this and didn't quite follow what was happening! I think my mind began to wander during the uneventful parts that ran on for long stretches which caused me to miss the key clues/plot points along the way.


Wow you really shouldnt watch films like this if you cant grasp the Basic Plot...

1/ The Bomber was the Father and him Bombing the place was his revenge for a botched Goverment and Army Op where his daughter Died.

2/ Revenge against the people who messed up the rescue of his daughter resulting in her death was the motive.

3/ As said in the film, the father was a diplomat or something similar and the goverment covered up the failed op and a british soldier killing the girl by issuing a D-Notice (Press Blackout)

4/ The final shot was making sense of the first scene and showing that the events after the first shot to when they relealise they are dead is The Devil claiming the sinners and the other 2 going to heaven (Having tried to release the story to the press (William) and comforting and being a friend to the wife of the bomber after the death of the girl(Isabelle).

Its a complicated film but the last 10 mins pull it together and make it make sense.
Great Film 8/10



No need to be insulting, but thanks for your interpretation, nonetheless.


Tbh this film was such a huge miasma of overt symbolism, and as you said Lisaplus1 it also seemed laboured and meandering. The 'basic plot' therefore kinda gets lost in the flood of iconography and repetition. I must also be a bozo who shouldn't watch films like this, as there was a lot of the 'basic' plot that I also didn't quite 'grasp' because I was looking for something deeper in it.

So revenge, forgiveness, dark, light, damnation, redemption - I get all that, but that seemed a bit crass and obvious really. The Last Seven? Not just the last seven people left surely? I was thinking along the lines of the last seven utterances of Christ he (allegedly) made during his last hours on the cross. Seven is said to be the number of perfection, the number of God. One of the things Christ said was summat along the lines of 'Father, Father, why hast thou forsaken me?', is this a reference to the idea of a father failing to protect or abandoning his child also heavily implied in this film?
The reporter William Blake, is this significant as far as the meaning of this film is concerned. On his death bed Blake was still working on illustrations he was commisioned to do for Dante's 'Inferno', which ofc is about descending into Hell and returning. Odysseus also did this in 'The Odyssey' (visited Hades and returned) and much of Blakes illustrative work reflects an interest in the ancient Greek pantheon.

So overall I'm not convinced that the whole film is pulled together at the end. I'm not even sure whether it's a good film and I just missed the point of it, or it's a film that tries to be more than it actually manages to achieve. Maybe the 'basic plot' is all that there is to it, in which case it's a very disappointing film. I don't think that not understanding the film deserves ridicule because I suspect that the director and cast themselves would be hard pushed to provide any kind of satisfying interpretation.


Why waste more of your valuable time writing about this 80 minute student film? 3 stars for getting off their arse and making a film. The praise stops there. Awful, awful, awful.


that would be accurate, except for the part where william wakes up in the city again, nice try though.


Yeah why does William have to remain in limbo?
