3 hours of Not Funny

Who writes this garbage anyway?


They think unscripted is funny. Maybe 20-30 years ago it was different, now it's just plain lazy. Got no material? Just babble and maybe the audience will think you're clever I guess.



You visited my thread now I am going to visit yours.. Yes, it is canned crap! I did find Don Rickles and Kathy Griffin funny though.. but the rest of it has been a nightmare.

Oh well, it's a cure for insomnia - I guess. No need for Ambien, Xanax or Tylenol after that snooze-a-thon..

And I'll become...What you became to me..



Well as far as the wrting staffs go , not every writer writes every episode or every sketch. But they're the most talented writers I think because I laugh my head off pretty much every time I watch either show. Yes, the Emmys were awful. I think that next year they shouldn't even bother with a host. Hosts are pointless except for Oscars maybe. I think that they should have a rule that it is a person who is known for tv and not necessarily funny but doesn't gab on and on like a certain Howie Mandle. I was mad that the presenters did not get to do thier jokes like they were supposed to. It may have been funny if they just let the 5 hosts be one host and a host with some bone of talent other than reading scripts and trying to act dramatic. Personally I think Seacrest should have one.
