MovieChat Forums > The Spy Next Door (2010) Discussion > Does everyone agree Chan sucks as an act...

Does everyone agree Chan sucks as an actor?

His martial arts are entertaining but I can't believe how bad an actor he is.

I think he's now at the top of my bad actors list - even above Mark Wahlberg and Keanu Reeves.


No, he's a very good actor. This film wasn't his best performance, but that doesn't mean he's a bad actor.

Drop it like it's legal precedent!


Actually I think he's a great actor! I rarely watch one of his films where he doesn't crack me up.

"Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? Aim for the bushes."



Jackie Chan is- and will always be the master of visual communication/language or acting, like you call it.

He can get you any feeling you want without even saying a word.
Have you ever seen an actor with a better confused /shy face than Jackie- c'mon you didn't. He's the best- but he's getting old now, unfortunately his golden times are over :(


No i highly disagree. He's no oscar winning actor but he's a great action star and is very funny. He was great in the Karate Kid but this film sucked.


Bad actor? How many of Chan's 'golden age' Hong Kong films have you seen?

Project A?

Armour of God?

Police Story?

Lucky Stars?

Dragons Forever?

Drunken Master 2?

If you haven't seen them, you shouldn't even attempt to judge Chan's acting skills. Don't be so naive and judge Chan's overall acting skill based on some hilariously disfigured and garbage filled American movies. The man is a fine actor.


I have to agree with this.

Drunken Master 2, Dragons Forever, Heart of Dragon, Police Story, Armor of God, and Project A were WONDERFUL films. His best films, in my opinion (other than Drunken Master 2) were the ones that had him with his brothers Sammo and Biao.

There's nothing he's done in American film that can compare to Jackie in his heyday in Hong Kong. Brilliant, brilliant films, and done without CGI in those days which makes them even more incredible. (The light stunt and glass fights in Police Story?)

As much as I love Jackie, though, his golden years are over. It is just too sad it took so long for Hollywood to accommodate him, and he is in far too much physical pain to be the stuntman/fighter he once was. It also doesn't help that his hearing is almost gone so it is hard for him to pronounce and speak English.

If only more people could see what he did in his heyday..


He's a "bad actor" in most of his american films.

If you watch him in his HK Martial arts - Action films, he is a very much better actor than what you see in US films.

It could just be a language barrier thing. Yes he can speak english, but it's obvious that he's not completely fluent.
Trying to act while also speaking in a language that he's not 100% familiar with, would be difficult for anyone.


He makes the best outtakes since Burt Reynolds though


Jackie Chan is the man. Probably not an Oscar winner but very talented and entertaining. I think his heavy accent distracts a lot of viewers.
