Any body else.....

Ok I never saw Rent, until I met my recent ex, then I watched the movie at her house with her, and she got me hooked on it from the first time we watched it. I then proceeded to see it two more times, and when I heard about the RENT: Filmed live on Broadway coming to the theater in the mall I worked at I immediately bought tickets, now in the scene where Angel dies in the movie, it was kinda emotional for me, but in the live broadway version I actually cried, has anyone else cried during this movie, or that part? It was a very good movie one of my new favorites

The monster in Cloverfield looked like.....YOUR FACE!!!!


Personally, I can't stand the movie version of RENT... for a lot of reasons that I don't have to get into here. I first saw the stage performance on Broadway in 1998, though, and it was the first time I ever cried at a work of fiction (play, movie, tv, etc). I always tear up when Collins sings the "I'll Cover You" reprise at Angel's funeral, and I love the surge when Angel runs back on stage during Finale B for the curtain call. It's such a powerful story of love and loss, and I really hope everyone has a chance to experience it now that it can be enjoyed at home in all its original/intended glory on this DVD.


Yeah I completely agree, the only reason I saw the movie version was because she showed it to me, and honestly I didnt care about broadway or plays, so I never even heard of RENT, until that day, lol.

The monster in Cloverfield looked like.....YOUR FACE!!!!


i'm so glad that you posted this, because i was thinking the same thing. i've seen the movie a hundred times and i loved it, but i had never seen it live. after seeing rent: filmed live on broadway, i was blown away...the emotions are conveyed so much stronger in this version. the part that really showed me that was when roger and mimi sang "i should tell you" (one of my favorite songs!). the point of the song is still made in the movie, but there's a lot more depth to the live version.


The movie version always makes me cry....and I just watched this one for the first time and it made me cry even more!

I'm such a sap, lol.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


THis was a great movie, and I saw the traveling play live a few weeks ago in Dallas, oh my goodness, it was amazing.

The monster in Cloverfield looked like.....YOUR FACE!!!!



Hmm - some of the acting seem stronger on the stage version... although I came to the Broadway DVD cold - so the screenplay version helped flesh out what was going on in terms of establishing shots, transitions and locations.

Also - it does seem as though the bass playing was stronger on the screenplay... and I must admit, I think cinematically.

One thing that the film does *wrong* though, and the Broadway version does better, is when Mimi flatlines. In the screenplay, it appears that there was no attempt to get paramedics rolling, even though there was an advanced tuberculosis case, spiralling down rapidly, who needed urgent ACLS and ICU care. At least on stage, one of the characters is calling 999 (yeah, OK - 911 - but I'm British)...

I was screaming "GET HER SHOULDERS UP!" and was aware of all the old first-aid training kicking in - the acting was that strong in the stage production.

It surprised me, in NOT a good way, that Mimi in the screenplay sat bolt upright and belted... rather than a weaker voice, and already having paramedics there stabilising her.

Did Mimi flatline for a moment? If so WHY THE HELL WAS SOMEONE NOT DOING COMPRESSIONS?

That was the type of question I was asking...

Shows the strength of the acting..


...even though there was an advanced tuberculosis case

Not tuberculosis, AIDS combined with hypothermia and possibly a drug OD. Though I suspect the treatment is the same. As for the paramedics -- it's the inner city USA. I once saw a woman in a large Midwestern city who had collapsed on the sidewalk. It took 14 minutes from the time my companion called 911 for an ambulance to show up, and it was clearly not a paramedic ambulance. And I'm pretty sure one of the woman's relatives had called 911 before we did.

Angels and ministers of mercy, God help us all -- to get this scene.



Bawl like a baby every time. No joke.

I had the good fortune to see this live at a local theater. It was amazing.

Angels and ministers of mercy, God help us all -- to get this scene.
