V-Hudge As Mimi?

Word on the street is that High School Musical 'star', Vanessa Hudgens will be playing Meems in an LA-based production of RENT. Call me crazy...but I really like the idea!

She has a strong enough voice. And she can dance. Say what you want about HSM, those kids are suited for the stage...

Funny enough, there was a really great fanfic that had the HSM characters putting on a production of RENT and V-Hudge's characters plays Mimi. Ever since I read that I thought she might be perfect.

And with NPH returning to direct, it might actually be worth watching. Not that I will ever be able to watch it from where I am...but still :)

"You will get precisely the news you deserve if you accept mediocrity."
Nick Clooney


It could work. Most of her roles have been very bubblegum, but I think she could do a good job with the right direction. You're right, she has the singing and dancing part down already, just have to see if she's able to pull off playing a more mature and darker character, with all the issues that Mimi deals with.

Jesus Saves


I'm shocked to hear that she's actually good as Mimi, a few friends that have seen it said they liked her performance, and these are people that don't like her or high school musical, so that's saying a lot, and it scares me to hear it too.

-The Price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


I didn't see it in person but I watched a few clips online and I wasn't impressed. Her Out Tonight wasn't good at all, in my opinion. She sounded off-key in parts to me and maybe seemed to be focusing too hard on the sexy stripper part.

Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls as Maureen impressed me a lot more.

-"Tell our story Christian"
-"I'm flying high defying gravity"
-"Moo with me"


Wow, I wonder what performance they saw, I finally got around to looking up her clips on tube, and holy crap she's god awful.

-The Price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


I know this is an older thread, just wanted to say I do not care for "stunt casting" to put people in seats.
