Shifting poles

Is this a movie about what's really going on with global warming currently?


After watching the first 20 minutes of this thing, I can tell you that it isn't about anything that is "really happening" anywhere. From what I see, the script writer didn't make it past middle school science!

I'm just a patsy!


Global warming ended in 2003...


Pole reversal has nothing to do with global warming...


Pole reversal has nothing to do with global warming or global cooling (which is actually happening) -pole reversal HAS happened many times in the past, records of this are in sediment layers. I'm not sure if they really know why it happens or not -and just as with the infamous non-news that the year 2000 computer bug issue, I doubt seriously that they can truly predict what will happen with our modern-day energy-based civilization when the poles reverse again.



It's also important to note (which it seems many people take for granted as NOT being obvious) is that "pole reversal" has more than just geomagnetic significance. There can be axial and equatorial pole shifts as well as geomagnetic pole shifts. One of my many distastes for the internet these days is the "keyword of the month club" proponents who grab a hold of a keyword and research just little enough information to be dangerous to the public in general. Often times far too many people take other (uneducated) people's blog opinions they see on the internet as little factoids that they spew out during dinner conversations. While I realize that this post has absolutely NOTHING to do with this movie, I have seen the core (laughed the entire time) and if this movie shares any resemblance then I imagine I would as well. However, that said, while laughable, the core was still entertaining in a star trek kinda way (after all, i know tri-quarters dont exist but it isnt annoying to see spock use one). As for the rest of you keyword of the month clubbers, I suggest donning your unobtanium hats and preparing for the worst.


(not that the poster's I replioed to fall into any of my aforementioned categories, I was just making a general statement about internet information available)


Global warming has nothing to do with a polar shift.


When poles shift to altogether different regions of the earth, it seems it would affect our current placed climates. If it was just pole reversal then I doubt it would cause any climate change.

Get the difference?

Computer says, "No."


One thing that's important to remember is an old meteorological addage: "Climate is what you expect, WEATHER is what you get". So, to say that something would change your expectations is solely open to interpretation. Climates are not "in place" weather patterns are in place.

As far as WEATHER being affected by a pole reversal, well if were talking about a geomagnetic pole reversal, over the long-term most probably the short-term however, I could see where there could be a substantial change as in the earth's surface heating up quite a bit (most likely not enough for serious damage) as the magnetosphere dwindles and moves toward zero (the magnetosphere being the "shield" if you will, that protects us from a vast array of cosmic radiation and sun's energy, plasmic discharges etc). The most likely thing to do would simply be to stay indoors until the storm blew over.

Now, as I said in a post above, an AXIAL pole shift, well I'll tell ya what, hope that you're LONG gone before an axial pole shift occurs.



It has been some time since I saw this one, but it's on SyFy again today, so I though I'd comment. This movie has nothing to do with global warming. It has to do with the rotational poles of the Earth shifting, and nobody notices except Our Hero. (I keep wanting to call him Horn-Rim-Glasses guy, HRG, from his role on "Heroes.")

I notice people here seem to confuse Earth's rotational poles and magnetic poles. They are not the same. In fact, the magnetic poles and the rotational poles are hundreds of miles apart, and the magnetic poles are wandering, and there is some evidence that a magnetic reversal is about to happen. By studying the new crust laid down by the mid-ocean ridges over the last several million years, we have found that this happens every few hundred thousand years. On the other hand, our moon helps steady the rotational poles of the Earth and they are quite stable.

My problem is that nobody seems to notice a MAJOR shift in the rotational poles except HRG notices! How about all the solar observatories? In fact, what about ALL the observatories? The positions of all the stars and planets would be off by the exact amount the sun appeared to move. And what about the millions of GPS users? Their GPS units would suddenly be off by hundreds of miles.

Another poster said the writer of this movie must have stopped learning science in middle school -- I doubt they even got that far. I've known kindergarten kids who could debunk this stuff! But this fits in with Hollywood's disdain for science or any kind of fact -- "facts are not important! Only the _emotion_ matters!" The makers of sci-fi movies, even SyFy (perhaps even _especially_ SyFy) publicly brag about how they actually avoid knowing anything about science fiction, and by extension, any science at all.

It's disgusting.
