MovieChat Forums > Warriors (2008) Discussion > Next places Terry Schappert should go

Next places Terry Schappert should go

Hey, fans of WARRIORS, where do you think Terry Schappert should next visit?

Here are my suggestions, not in any order of importance.

1) North American Indians (Anybody remember the grisly hand-to-hand fighting from the 1992 movie, "Last of the Mohicans"?)

2) Okinawa (Ryukyu Islands - the birthplace of KARATE)

3) Northern China (fighting systems of north and south China are different)

4) Southern China

5) Mongolia (Mongolian wrestling was actually hand-to-hand fighting meant
to break the opponent's back)

6) Turkey (the Ottomon Empire, the fighting Janissaries)

7) France (the only western empty hand fighting system - SAVATE)

8) Russia (That's right...I know very little but supposedly the ancient
and the famous Cossacks had their own unique fighting skills; modern
Russians are known for their effective modification of Japanese judo
called, Sambo)

9) Brazil (the extremely agile fighting system that resembles break
dancing - capoeira - which is expert at tripping and kicking out the legs
of an opponent)

10) Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, Cambodia - reportedly the ancient
Cambodians developed a lethal form of empty hand fighting using almost only
the fists, I guess what western boxing might be without any rules and
penalties. According to legend, ancient Cambodian fist fighters had beaten
Thai kickboxers)

11) India (supposedly the birthplace of all Asian martial arts)

12) Philippines (the origin of Arnis and Escrima)

That's all I can think of right now. When I think of more, I'll come back and add it to this list.
