He gets into it!

These are the kind of documentary style shows I like, along with 'FutureWeapons' and 'Mail Call', because the host really enjoys and understands their subject and they get to do the hands-on, as well, and know what they're talking about!

Fight the FOCA


Some other imdb poster referred to the modern 'ancient' warriors as, 're-enactors'. With due respect to him, I say he was mistaken in his choice of word. These men are more than re-enactors. They actually practice the ancient combat arts of their ancestors. That is, these guys can actually fight with those old weapons because they've been practicing it for a long time. Most of these guys also practice the ancient, empty hand-to-hand combat of their ethnic and racial ancestors. For instance, who would have ever known that the ancient Scottish warriors practiced their own indigenous form of hand-to-hand combat.
Let me tell you fellow fans of WARRIORS that many of these, so-called, 're-enactors' could go toe-to-toe with today's martial artists. It might actually be a mismatch because today's modern 'ancient' warriors are practicing their ancestral combat forms in their purest killing sense. Martial artists today are trained to spar in a non-injurious way.
