That line...

Like a turd... in the wind.

How beautifully poetic. ;)

Disregarding the - I guess justified - complaints over that line, it is already one of my favorite quotes in a CBM. The fact that it comes out of that insane voice/beastly creature is priceless. They’re clearly going for that dark humor they said would be part of this movie, so it should be a trip.


I'm still not feeling this movie.


I won’t lie, it will not be at all surprising if the movie gets a mixed-negative reception. Would blaming Sony again be warranted? Well, they didn’t seem to hire the right people for it to begin with (excellent cast notwithstanding). Still, as I always say I hope for the best.

And apart from the absence of the Spider symbol (doesn’t feel right), I think Venom is looking and sounding absolutely perfect in this. Everything about it is exciting me, to be honest.


The first trailer got me hyped. But this latest one had the opposite effect on me. Venom's cgi looks good, but he stands out too much. Which in turn makes him look fake. It looks generic as well.


I love Venom's huge grin at the end of the line. Like a TURD in the Wind :)))


As do I. He looks downright monstrous and.... venomish. :}}

It’s so beautiful, I love it!


Did you notice the little drip of saliva while he smiles? Love the small details put into the CGI work.


I did indeed. I really appreciate small details like that. And since the CGI for the movie is still likely unfinished, I bet Venom will look even better in the actual movie than he does in the trailer (he is looking impressive regardless).


I like the way it looks. Though I wish they had gone with Carnage as the villain instead of one of the offsprings from Lethal Protector.


Word has it there is another villain besides Riot. Carnage has been rumored to be played by Woody


I am probably in the vast minority here, but when I first heard that line in the second trailer, I cringed and got very worried about the movie, and even more worried when the reaction by a lot of fans was so positive to that one line. I'm very impressed with the visuals and how close to the source material (Planet of the symbiotes & Lethal Protector) they seem to be based on the trailers I have seen, but that turd line and some of the other dialogue to me seem far too childish to be coming out of Venom's mouth; like child's Saturday morning cartoon level toilet humor. In all my years reading Spidey comics and Venom comics, I don't ever recall Venom talking quite like this. He's cracked wise before, of course, but usually with dry sarcasm or a witty back-handed remark. I hope that's the only scene where we get that kind of kiddie immature dialogue. And no, it's not that I'm offended by that sort of thing. Nothing offends me honestly. I've heard the worst kind of disgusting repulsive dialogue you can imagine and it doesn't bother me in the least. It's the fact that this kind of dialogue is coming from Venom, the ultimate evil bad-ass, in his first-ever solo film that's supposed to be gritty, dark and scary. They need to keep the tone even throughout this movie if it is to work.
