MovieChat Forums > Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2011) Discussion > Anyone else who couldn't finish it?

Anyone else who couldn't finish it?

I mean no disrespect, but this movie... I literally could not force myself to down another minute of it. I turned it off after about 45 minutes. So many things just bothered me. :(

Also, what's so weird about a kid taking Adderall? I've been taking it since... well, for a long time. It's a really helpful medication!

So yeah, was anyone else just horribly irritated by it?


I watched to whole thing but I think it was really bad. Bunch of cliches and really boring.


You missed nothing at all except more of the same. I watched this all the way through, as I do any movie I start, but it dragged on seemingly forever until its inevitable, obvious conclusion. Nothing to fear here. 4/10 stars from me.


So, what were some of the things that bothered you?

A true friend walks in when everyone else walks out


I actually liked it. Of course I haven't seen the original yet but I am confident that I will probably like it better than this once I do. But as a standalone film, it wasn't bad at all.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


I finished it but the last 20 minutes were on a 1.5x fast forward, so you can still hear and see what is happening but it's just getting it out of the way 50% faster. I rarely employ this technique of finishing a film but when all hope is lost and it has no chance to redeem itself I do it. This was a truly miserable thing to sit through.

I'm just a bloody normal bloke, a normal bloke who likes a bit of torture.


I didn't even think of doing that. I can't even imagine trying to get through it.
