Not a CHRISTian Movie

First and Foremost the message of this movie is great. The point of the movie is that we should not discard people just because they are different from us or are "unpopular." There is inherent value in every human life and the movie although a little bit cheesy at times has this uplifting statement at it's core.

Those that are labeling this movie as propaganda missed the whole point. It's not about religion, it's about treating others like they have worth. It's ridiculous to even call this movie Christian because Christ isn't even mentioned. The term Christian literally means "Little Christ" and it can't be about little Christs if Christ isn't there. The church services that Jake begins to attend through out the movie could be any one of many undisclosed religions. And the message taught aligns with just as many religious institutions.

People with non-religious, or anti-religious, backgrounds should be open-minded enough to look past the religious parts of the movie and hear and embrace the message that every life matters.



Okay, first off, hello. Secondly, after reading this, please do not insult my view points as rudely and immaturely as you just insulted this movie. I am a Christian (a Christian, not an "xian") and would like to share my beliefs and oppinions. My fingers are not in my ears as far as the reality of the crappy world we live in. I KNOW it's a bad place. I KNOW that junk happens to everyone. Sure, there are some hypocrytical Christians out there who ignore the facts, but those of us who truly have a relationship with Christ, actually do face realities. One of my very close friends (who IS a Christian, and a very strong one at that) has gone through a ton of crap. She cut herself and struggled with sexual sin, as well as suicidal thoughts and depression. And don't say that it wasn't "real" because it most definitely was. She was at the point where she was about to commit suicide, but I thank the Lord that she didn't. She was VERY aware of the reality around her. But does that mean she gave up and gave in? No, she overcame it, not easily, she didn't just jump into her "happy bubble", but she did overcome it with the help of God. So, to end this point, no, the real Christians don't live in "happy bubbles". If anything, it's worse, because the devil throws attacks at us left and right.

As for your second point - God is there, but he was gracious and loving enough to give man the gift of free will. He NEVER does anything to hurt us, but out of our own stupidy and ignorance, we hurt ourselves. The devil throws things at us that are hard to handle, but if we are willing to try and ask for God's help, we can overcome them. And, no matter what it seems like, God is always there for us. He is always with us but if we work so hard to push him away and keep Him out of our life, He will stay away. He's not going to force Himself on us. He gave us the right to choose and isn't going to tell us what to do, controlling us like puppets on a string, because He is gracious and loving and kind and perfect. He loves us so much and it hurts Him to see us hurting. Please, please give Him another chance. You might be surprised at what you find. I mean, really give Him a chance. I can't promise it's going to make the world we live in any better, or make your life any easier, but I can promise you'll experience a love and a joy like never before. I can also promise that with God's help, you will always be able to get through the junk life throws at you. Please, just consider it. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a private message. :)

Just you and I defying gravity! Kiss me good-bye, I'm defying gravity!


Well put missabug =)


I Agree. Reviewing the movie is fine. That's what this forum is about. But reviewing a review is rude and disrespectful.



"He is gracious and loving and kind and perfect"

Here is your "gracious" and "loving" and "kind" and "perfect" god having two women raped and then he killes a baby to punish one man......

2 Samuel 12:11-19

11 “This is what the LORD says: ‘Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity on you. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you, and he will sleep with your wives in broad daylight. 12 You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel.’”
13 Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD.”
Nathan replied, “The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die.
14 But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for[d] the LORD, the son born to you will die.”
15 After Nathan had gone home, the LORD struck the child that Uriah’s wife had borne to David, and he became ill. 16 David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and spent the nights lying in sackcloth[e] on the ground. 17 The elders of his household stood beside him to get him up from the ground, but he refused, and he would not eat any food with them.
18 On the seventh day the child died. David’s attendants were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they thought, “While the child was still living, he wouldn’t listen to us when we spoke to him. How can we now tell him the child is dead? He may do something desperate.”
19 David noticed that his attendants were whispering among themselves, and he realized the child was dead. “Is the child dead?” he asked.
“Yes,” they replied, “he is dead.”


That would be the epitome of what Atheists and others who want to call out Christians do: take a verse out of context.


because the context makes it ok? you people really are delusional.


Just brilliant, goldberg-1. Take one second-hand account out of a millenia-old book that was verbally related for centuries before being written down, then translated through some fourteen languages - and use that to, at least in your own mind, justify a myopic, narrow-minded, unscientific viewpoint about the nature of One Whom you obviously have made no attempt to know yourself. I bet you are so proud of yourself and your penetrating wisdom, aren't you?



I'd say it's really a matter of how one interprets the bible because on the one hand, you have people like Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Francis of Assissi and Shakespeare, then you have people like Adolf Eichmann and Fred Phelps! Another consideration is that one has to allow for the fact that the old testament part of the bible is a genealogical/historical/cultural basis for the identity of the Jewish people. I can definitely confirm that a good knowledge of the bible really helped me ace all my Western Lit classes, so just saying ^_^
I realize this is a 3-year old thread. Just wanted to point that out.


Hester you are wrong. XPICTOC abbreviation was XC. Furthurmore neither X-mas nor X-tian are not translatable from this textual transposition. It would only be possible if it were to mean so as a constant which it does not. X-men and Xroads do not mean "Christ-Men" and "Christ Roads". Apart from your symantical argument the poster obviously meant it as a derogatory remark given the context of his note.




If no one noticed, the company that made the movie makes films about God and his importance in our lives. So yes, they have an agenda *gasp*

The movie wasn't particularly strong, well written, or really driving its point home all that much. But then again, there was no budget, so acting, directing, writing wise, you get what you pay for.

To me there's a more underwritten message that if you simply pray and accept God's love, your life will work out and everyone will get along...yay! And apparently, if you don't accept God's love, that's why you make all the wrong decisions and bad things happen to you. Lalalala subtle undertones of fear based tactics!

The only person who can make decisions in our lives is us. We're responsible for them. That's it.



I agree. It's a Christian movie at its core, yet unlike most Christian movies I've seen, it doesn't beat you upside the head with messages about God. God and God's love are very much a part of this movie; if it wasn't, you'd have an ABC Afterschool Special.

I'm glad that To Save a Life and It's Kind of a Funny Story came out this year, highlighting the problems that today's teens deal with on a daily basis with suicide - whether the main character is the one who was suicidal, or they were the ones left behind picking up the pieces. Both were excellent movies.

Never insult seven people when you're only packing a six-shooter.


Wow way to miss the point. The guy prayed and his problems didn't all of a sudden go away, he just took responsibility for his actions. Praying didn't make the situation go away.

Praying didn't make him get along any better with his old friends, he just simply chose to go down a path where he realized he doesn't need to drink or do stupid things like get drunk and have unprotected sex.

Theres no fear based tactics, the movie is actually being very direct that you are responsible for your own actions and you don't have the right to have God fix everything up for you, its up to you to learn from the word and apply it to your life. Its not a religion homie its a way a of life.

First and foremost of every Christian's mind should be: Why should I expect God to fix all our problems when its because of us we have these problems in the first place. God can't help you when you dont help yourself. Thats the point of this movie, that Jake's life really wasn't all that fine as he kept saying to himself. Where he thought he should be helping others, he didnt realize until it was too late that he should have seen his own problems and helped himself in the first place and avoid all the problems he faced.
"Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it so that the other half may get to you."


I must say, I really liked what you wrote. In fact, I am going to tell my class at church, along with my family, what you wrote. And I, also, love the quote at the bottom, is it yours?, or did you hear it from somewhere?

"Hate the sin, love the sinner."


" God can't help you when you dont help yourself."

That comes from ancient Greek mythology, not the Bible. It surprises me how many "Christians" like yourself know so little about their own religion.


If Christ is not mentioned, I kind of have a problem with it.


I think they made it very clear they were Christians.


I disagree. It has a Christian worldview, which is as important in Christian filmmaking as having an obvious salvation message.

I've seen many movies that mention Jesus Christ in name only, but a close look reveals a worldview that is more compatible with unbelievers. I'll take this movie over one of those any day.


I'm guessing the OP has problems with the book of Esther too

The Op's MAIN point (that the message is about treating others like they have worth) is totally true and hopefully something everyone can get behind.

I'd just quibble that I think the OP has a somewhat small view (yet not inaccurate) of who Christ is.

"Do not grieve, for the Joy of the Lord is your Strength."


Both your claims are wrong. In the OT, people were executed for things like sodomy and murder. In the NT there's a new covenant, and Jesus taught that sexual sinners (including adulterers) shouldn't be executed, However, the NT still condones capital punishment, presumably for murder.

A lot of states still execute people for murder; Timothy McVeigh, for example, received a lethal injection. A state government killed him but didn't murder him, there's a difference.

Since 2005 sodomy is legal in every state. A small percentage of Christians are calling it to be re-criminalized, most don't care. I don't know if Israel executes gays, but of course Jews don't have the whole Bible.

The Bible doesn't say women are property, it calls them "the weaker vessel." That's just saying guys are generally stronger than girls. Paul said he thought women should cover their heads in a worship service, but also said judge for yourselves. I hope you're not saying an opposition to abortion is oppression; I don't think that's fair.

I believe women are of equal worth, and we should celebrate the differences. I think married men and women should raise children together, though of course sometimes a person gets divorced or widowed. I'm against the oppression of women and nowhere does the Bible call for it.

(PS for the record, I'm a Christian from Canada who's in favor of capital punishment for murder.)



Hi @BitterJim,

Just a quick response :)

When the woman caught in the act of adultery was brought to Jesus, what did he do?
