Acting was HORRIBLE

I can usually let subpar acting slide if there's more being offered, but due to the low budget of this film and the somewhat by the numbers story, the acting is put in a spotlight and it is awful. It's likely both a problem with direction AND the actors themselves (the director not being able to get at least human responses out of the actors and the actors to not know better than what they were doing). There's absolutely no tension in any of the dialogue. Everyone is talking like they're hanging out in a garage on a Sunday afternoon rather than at the end of a long and hard allied campaign against Germany. It's also incredibly hard to see these people in the era they're supposed to be living in, they all strike me as thoroughly modern people wearing costumes.



I agree the Acting was bad. I will give credit to a couple of decent actors yes. But man this movie ... It just did not seem right. They said and did things that we do in today's Military not back then ... If anyone in the Military or a Veteran will tell you there is no way that this is in that era except by the costumes.


Yes, it was the modern language that struck me the most - 'roger that', 'I'm good', 'I'm on it' and so on, and the general way they spoke to each other and their attitudes seemed more 2010 than 1945. I'm sure the uniforms and equipment were correct, but it just looked like a lot of modern day re-enactors.


The acting and directing was absolutely awful.



A little harsh on the actors maybe. Some of the performances were certainly wooden but I think the real problem was the large amount of awful dialogue that even better actors might have struggled with, coupled with some poor direction.
