Too Dramatic

I love Zoe Bell, I'll watch anything she is in. This was too dramatic, too dark I hope she finds a better vehical. The conflicted character who sees visions after getting a knife in her head. The filming was all dark and shadowy, as if they thought she looks better in the dark. Zoe looks better in broad daylight like in Death Proof.

I'd like to see her in more of an action hero role. Like Angolina Joli or Brigitte Neilson. A female version of Bruce Lee or Van Damn. I don't want to hear any comments from you in the closet guys about how purdy you think Van Damn is. Zoe is a hell of alot prettier than Van Damn and I think they should rewrite roles that were ment for a character like him for her.


yeah, "pretty"... she's the Streisand of stuntwomen...


I like zoe in death proof. She was an unexpected pleasure. But I wish this film starred someone a little hotter. Yes, it was too serious and too dark. The soundtrack was lame. The fights were awesome and believable.

My favorite ass kicking woman is Rhona Mitra and I'll even take michelle rodriguez.
