MovieChat Forums > Rogues Gallery (2012) Discussion > Question. Possible spoiler.

Question. Possible spoiler.

Does anyone know which characters live and which characters die?
Figure someone may know since its been shown on some festival or something like that and its dvd release date has been set in july or read the script.



Everybody dies expect Fool, Carl, and Neal


Thanks for answering but could you please give some details on how they die, well the bigger characters anyway and in what order well more or less.


1)Devil dies first (which leads to all the other deaths), we don't see him die but he has a scissors in his chest

2) Emperor - forgot how he died
3) Judgment - clubbed to death
4) High Priestess - stabbed in the neck with something
5) Heirophant - clubbed to death
6) Tower - death by paper shredder (yeah)
7) Magician - burns
8) Empress - don't remember
9) Hermit - get's shot in the groin but never actually shown that he dies
10) Chariot - scissors to the eye
11) Temperance - not shown but you see that she gets something stuck in her head


Thank you very much but could you elaborate on a few things if you don't mind.

When aproximatly does High priestess die in the film? She dies nr 3 but is that Early late, in middle of the film?
Also how much is show in her death? Is it graphic or what?
Who killed her?

Heirophant being clubbed, again is that graphic or shown?

Also Towers death, details please. Sounds really fun LOL.

Could you go in a little bit on Temperance's death. Was it off screen and her body just shown or just implied or what? Also who kills her?
Again is it graphicly shown or just implied. And who does the object get stuck in her head? Is she stabbed with it or what?

Again thanks and sorry if I am being pushy.


nah man it's cool, always like to help someone haha

1) I don't remember the time frame it might have been somewhere around the middle of the film maybe. Again from what I remember it wasn't that graphic but it was pretty brutal, and Tower kills her

2)Heirophant being clubbed was a bit graphic, we hear it and then see the aftermath of her being clubbed.

3) Tower and Chariot are fighting and Chariot grabs the top (or the actually shredder depending on how you look at it) of the shredder and pounds it against Tower's face, nothing is shown but we hear it and see blood spatter on Chariot's face and cloths

4) i'm not sure if they will show more of Temperance's death when it finally get's releases cause I saw it at a film festival and even though it looked finished but they had the workprint version (few FX shots were not done) but it's off screen. and we do see her bloody body (sort of graphic) with the object (i think it might have been machete or the blade from a paper cutter) in her head...Fool kills her, since it's off screen we don't know how it happens


Thank you for the answers, appreciate it.

Just a couple more things,

I´m curious does Temprance kill anyone?

Who kills Heirophant?

How was the film in general, good, bad, awesome?

Why does Fool kill her? I know there's the whole thing that they must all try and kill one another but wasn't she like his ex or love intrest or something?
How do they get to that point?

Very curious to hear much as about Temprance as you mind telling as I became aware of this film because Odette's in it and she's my main draw to see it, really like her alot. Does she get to do hot or cool things in the film, kick ass and such.
What's her character like, good, bad, evil, greedy or what?

I will defnitly buy it when it comes on dvd in july but am far too curious about these things to wait plus I rarely mind spoilers and I've not had any luck finding any info aside from you so I do appreciate it.

Thanks again.


1) Temprance kills Heirophant and she's the one that shoots Hermit

2) the film was actually pretty good, I was surprised the way it went (I thought it was going to be different)

3) Fool was working for another company to get some data (forgot what it was) and yes they were a couple before all this happen, and the film does go into that. The two are always arguing during the film. Nobody knows about Fool working for another until like the last 15 mins of the movie. Again Fool was sent in to get the data and kill everyone

4) Temprance character is hard to grasp, she's loyal to her job (that's what a character says, forgot which one) but once people start dying she pretty much wants to live like everyone else. She is mostly good i guess

She does kick some ass in the film but it just for like a couple mintues, she does have a pretty cool fight scene with Empress


Okay cool, thank you. Really starting to look forward to seeing it when it comes on dvd. Like I said my only real attraction to it originally was Odette but now it is starting to look quite fun and her part even more appealing.

So the relasionship between them is basically he's the good guy and they do have that connection, spark and argue and the audience think they'll end up in the end and live until it turns out he's really the bad guy and kills her in cold blood without really caring about her, surprising her.
Do I get it right?


pretty much


Col, thanks for all the answers. Appreciate it.


In the ending used on the DVD, Susan shoots Carl and Neil.
