Horrible and boring

This movie sucks. I turned it off half way through. Junk.


Man, I wish I'd thought of that. I watched the whole damn thing. Ugh. Dreadful.

He asked us, "Be you angels?"
and we said, "NAY, we are but men," ROCK!


ha ha ha ha

Lewis Marklin Mash


So. fkng. BORING!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Yeah, I almost considered slamming my head against a wall repeatedly while I watched, to entertain myself! It was more boring than the boredom that I desperately sought to escape by watching this junk!!

Lewis Marklin Mash


The story and casting were good. They completely screwed over any chance of it being decent in the editing room which the filmmakers mention in the commentary. They flat out say some people could hate what they did in post. I'm one of those people. They needed to remember less is more.


I just like...Robert Mitchum movies.


The editing was awful. Constantly seeing snippets of scenes played in reverse (mere moments after seeing them play out naturally, no less) or flash-forwards of them might work in the scope of television (note - MIGHT) but it gets really grating in films (and really has no place in a modern Western).


We didn't even make it half way through before we turned it off.


Just watched on Amazon Prime without any prior knowledge or expectations...
It looked like it might be an interesting and entertaining late night viewing.

I enjoyed it, I've seen far worse in the past 50 years....

What annoys me is that this film had all potential to be excellent,
but it was destroyed by deliberate self indulgent decisions in editing.

All the right elements were there - cast - costume - sets -
imaginative visuals - music - an inventive story & script;
all far better than average for a low budget stylised hyper-reality 'cult' western.

Yet it was all totally undermined in the editing room ???

Why ? What were the fim makers intentions ? What did they think they were trying to achieve ???

Directoral immaturity or ineptitude ???

So frustrating to consider how much better this film could have been
with a more 'grown up' self restrained edit.
