Not at all funny

When I finally laughed for the first time in this movie, I looked at my watch out of curiosity. It was an hour and ten minutes into the film.

A full hour and 10 mins into the film before the first funny part.

That is just sad.

To be fair, it's not quite as bad as 'Escape From Guantanamo Bay', but DAMN this movie sucked.

It's a shame...the first Harold & Kumar was such a nice comedy surprise. These sequels have been beyond bad. It's sad, really.

“Am I a man or am I a Muppet? If I’m a Muppet, well I’m a very manly Muppet"


You're an idiot. All three of these movies are hilarious. Go play with yourself.

Men in Black 3
May 25th, 2012


I'm sorry, you thought this was funny???

Clearly you are the idiot....not me.

This wasn't even remotely funny.

NPH and Wafflebot were the only funny gags in the entire film. The rest was pure unfunny garbage.

Go see the Muppets. That is legitimately funny.

The last two Harold and Kumar films were just sad.

“Am I a man or am I a Muppet? If I’m a Muppet, well I’m a very manly Muppet"



First of all, your credibility went out the window when you recommended the Muppets movie...

All three of these movies are funny, I don't care what you say, you probably have a bad taste in humor, or you don't get the jokes, or they're too random for you. Either way, go watch your puppet crap, get off this board.

Men in Black 3
May 25th, 2012


His problem is he went to Stoner movie and he wasn't stoned...

You can't watch this movie without being under the influenced by something. It's not a movie to be taken serious, it's the perfect STONER movie, for you to have a party, sit, smoke some weed, drink and crack the eff up.


can I play with you? ;)

I'm Eli Goldsworthy and I approve this message.


To the OP, you just said in your post that you liked the first movie and it was a comedy surprise and now in your second post you said it was a sad state of comedy filmmaking??? Then you try to credit your argument by adding The Muppet movie which to you think it was funnier??



Nobody cares how long you had to personally wait for a part YOU found funny...

"You'll find the back of my hand very displeasing..." - Master Shake


Lol, the guy who likes the Muppet movie is telling us what's funny and what isn't. I'd trust a one-eyed guy's opinion on depth pereception before trusting this guy on comedy.

Biased, but honest.


I agree white castle is the only one thats a movie. These have funny parts but are so *beep* stupid it numbs the brain.

This was comedic *beep*


um yeah.. you need to smoke a few bowls and then watch this movie


'Escape from Guantanmo Bay' is great. The 3rd one is plain average though. I was really disappointed.


This guy lost me as soon as I saw he didn't like part 2, give me a break, it was a classic. The Muppets line should get you banned. I liked #3 but think I need to see a few more times to really enjoy it.


Oooh, fair enough. I do agree that the first one is the best, but I don't think the sequels are terrible. The second was weaker, but hardly outright bad and this one was better than the second.

For all three, they're a fun way to spend some hours and it's not as if they take themselves too seriously, unlike some pretentious films out there.

Subtitles misread: 'the Arch bitch of Canterbury'


The first one was the only good one and it was very good. It was refreshing. The second one was disappointing as you expected them to go to Amsterdam instead you had this series of improbable events. The first one is so great because all of it made sense and it was funny.

These movies after just interlink a bunch of scenes with no real flow just a series of improbable stupid events.


"instead you had this series of improbable events."

That was the entire premise of the first film, and they've kept that going throughout. I don't know why everyone says the first one was so reasonable and realistic when I could name a million scenes that aren't (Cheetah scene for one). They're all on the same level and written in practically the same way, as whacky stoner adventures. The fact that they didn't go to Amsterdam is fine by me, the plot was as crazy and fun as the first. In my opinion it actaully got better by the second one *dodges thrown rocks*.

Biased, but honest.



as a Big fan of the first two movies It felt like the jokes in this one was forced..

its sad but true..

If Blade showed up in the end of Twilight and butcherd everyone, Then it would be watchable!


You missed the word probable all the scenes in the first 1 could maybe happen or were absurd.

Movie 2 has a cyclops and movie 3 is just idiotic.


Disagree with u about Guantanamo but definitely agree on this one. Shame, cuz I'd been really looking forward to watching it. I guess they just ran outta ideas but wanted to continue getting profit from the good ones the have in the 1st and 2nd movies. Happens a lot
