I can't help but think...

...that this would've been considerably better if the film-makers had just gone that extra mile and done a live action version.

Don't get me wrong or anything, I LOVE animated films and all but the animation just looked so crummy that it really distracted me from getting into the story.

I also think that if/when they make a Dead Space movie, it'd be really cool to have this as some sort of prologue, like before the titles come up. They'd obviously have to drastically shorten it though. Maybe start with Alissa giving her little signing off speech and intercut it with scenes of the Necromorphs attacking the crew.

Anyone care to agree/disagree?

P.S. Sorry if this has been discussed already.



You don't seem to get that that "extra mile" you are referring to is actually MILLIONS OF DOLLARS that it costs to make a live action movie. This movie was a quick cash-in direct-to-video promotion for the game...nothing more, and it wasn't intended to be anything else.


It would not have cost that much more to get a korean or japanese anime studio to do the artwork.


I realise that this film is nothing more then a promo for the game and I realise that it costs a hell of a lot more to make a live-action film as opposed to an animated film. I was mearly stating that, in my opinion, the film would've been better if it was live-action.

This is what seriously ticks me off about these boards. You start up an innocent topic about something and people immediately jump on your back and start patronising you. Jeez...



i agree, and i totally think a dead space movie would return any millions they spent on it two maybe three fold.


You obviously did not appreciate the comic-like art in this one, contrary to some people. For everyone their own fun I guess. I think this was done well.

I might watch the full motion picture, but this was pretty much enough.
