MovieChat Forums > Dead Space: Downfall (2008) Discussion > I wanted to like this, but... woof.

I wanted to like this, but... woof.

I love games with a good, intricate backstory, and think it's great when they branch out into other forms of media to expand the story. I've never played Dead Space, so this time I'm coming at it from the perspective of someone starting with the movie, and I've just gotta say, it's got some hefty problems that really turned me off.

First, I don't know if it was the director's choice, the voice actors, or the script, but everyone was continually shouting their lines like angry, petulant teenagers, even when it was just normal conversational dialogue. The dialogue itself was incredibly immature and illogical most of the time. People just don't talk that way, not to mention professionals on a ship talking snidely to superiors and questioning or arguing over ever order (and this is long before the "madness" begins). It just smacked of someone who didn't know how normal adults, much less a crew, talks.

Secondly, the actions of the crew, and especially our heroine, seemed to be almost random, and ill-conceived, jumping from situation/knee-jerk response to same, again and again. The head of security didn't have set reactions or countermeasures to an incursion, nor was she taken seriously about her concerns, and her team didn't act like a trained security team, more like a bunch of yahoos with guns. And when she sees a threat, identifies the threat's strengths and weeknesses (from the initial encounter), she then proceeds to walk right into a gang of them and get most of her team killed instead of doing any logical preparation or utilizing the slightest hint of tactics. Ludicrous. (She also didn't seem to be very familiar with her own ship, which I found odd.)

Third, I'm at a loss as to understand why she had to use the shuttle to fire off the beacon and open the bay doors for venting, when A) she'd recorded the message with the bay computer, and: B) the ship shouldn't have control of the bay doors anyway. That's not only something the main ship should control, but didn't we also just see, at the beginning, that the shuttle almost didn't make it on the ship because the doors were being closed? (I don't recall the pilot ever grinning and thinking, "well, duh, I'll just open them myself. No hurries...")

And she was pretty quick to get herself killed when she very likely could have survived and continued trying to find a way to save any leftover survivors, something she certainly kept repeating to everyone else thoughout the movie as a priority. She didn't know whether everyone was dead or not (and according to someone else's post, there apparently are survivors around the ship that are discovered during the game).

And where the heck was the beacon with the warning message when the ship arrives in the end?


Hey, I just started playing the game and before I advanced any further, I stopped to see this movie, many of your questions are good, but I believe the stupidity and /or actions of the characters are there to create conflict (as in other movies where bad decisions are made).

I believe that kinda respond to your second point, the first one, I really didn't feel the script too far fetched dor a sci-fi nor noticed the actor over the top except for a couple scenes.

About your third point:
A) She recorded the message as she was going to save the ship knowing she was going to die, besides, she knew that a team would be sent after the communications were off.

B) The ship did have control of the gates, the main ship closed them in order to avoid the shuttle from coming in as they supposed (and were right) the ship was infected, the problem was the doors didn't close fast enough and the pilot was skilled, after that I don't recall any part where they mention the gates were not under their control.

Finally, she died in order to save the ship from crashing towards the planet, if she didn't do that, there would be no ship, so her priority is to save the survivors by ensuring the ship wouldn't crash and leave a message to the newcomers.

That's what I got about the movie, hoped I helped a little.



Nice explanation.


Everyone in this movie acts like an idiot, consistently ignoring sound advice of their crewmen and being needlessly hostile and argumentative. I know "the marker" is suppose to be impeding their judgement, but shouldn't they realize this since all those murders and suicides happened right when they dug it up? Wouldn't it make sense to isolate the marker and observe its effects before transporting it? Apparently the Captain is a religious zealot, but I ask what kind of futuristic mining company would allow some fanatical church to dictate it's health and security procedures, and why no one seems to question this one Captain's orders, even when it places everyone's lives in jeopardy.

And how about that security team and their complete lack of firepower or organization? When the ship containing a lethal life form crash lands in the loading bay, no one is there to quarantine the area or make sure nothing dangerous gets out and contaminates the rest of the ship. They find blood trails leading away from the bay, and the security chief doesn't find it wise to tell the bridge to activate the alarm and seal off the affected areas?

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


That is not correct is it.

You state a lot of the points but appear to not fully understand the material

The church has massive power/influence with the markets being the main front it is a cult which is a big part of society.

These people like you see with cults in this day will day all sorts and if you put in front the ultimate prize of your faith they will do whatever they can to achieve the goal.

Next the marker screws up peoples minds with a lot of the die hard believers they was told to suicide or kill others also the creatures they saw as the next step.

It's interesting that you question why would the church be able to dictate mining company etc this happens now in modern day look at the part religion has played throughout history.

The security team if you re watch it wanted to do more they was ordered not to and by the time some of them acted it was too late also again the marker messing with your mind add in these creatures which you cant train people for you.
