MovieChat Forums > Home Movie (2009) Discussion > Confused about the ending scene. (spoile...

Confused about the ending scene. (spoilers)

So were the parents killed at the end? Did the kids eat them alive?


There were suggestions of the children dabbling in cannibalism, when we see the shack and the animals flayed and displayed. Also when we see the neighbor boy being tied down, the twins were dressed and ready for a good meal ;) It is safe to say the kids only enjoy their meal if it is struggling and aware.


I went back and watched it for a second time and I noticed a few things in that regard. When David Poe is reading the dragon story to his kids, there's a spot in the story where he says something about the dragon removing the bags from his two heads and eating the children. Also when his son is raking, he finds a dead bug and David says "and the lesson for today is 'dead things belong in garbage bags'" which explains the garbage bags.
There's also several other connections in the film. Watching it for a second time is quite fun! Catching all the clues and such.


The father actually says he caught the children eating raw meat, as well.


Yes, just as Wesmiller said, the ending is everything coming back into play. The parents are in garbage bags because that is where dead things belong, and they have the paper bags over their heads like the dragon in the story, because they are about to eat their parents.

To me, everything coming back in the end is what made this movie so spectacular. In such a haunting way.


My question is:
(a) How did they get them to eat the drugged tomato sauce?
(b) What was the point of showing them setting up the nails in the grass?

Overall a good movie otherwise!


I think they force fed them the drugged soup.

Also, the nails in the grass, I thought, was for when the wife started to run away. Maybe they knew she would do that and step on the nails, making escape impossible?

Black holes are where God divided by zero.


Yeah I assumed that the nails (combined with the drugs) were what was slowing her down as she ran...she was barefoot afterall, could hardly have sprinted over them.


I keep thinking about the dad, and all the "instructions" he gave, and the discussions he and Mom had about "abuse being carried on from generation to generation," and the scene where he is pretty much joining the kids in bed while they are biting each other (I know, I'm interpreting, but there was something strangely relaxed about his posture when the mom first came upon them)

First of all, what was back of the abuse comment? And second of all, was the weirdness of the dad's behavior an indication that he was somehow coaching the children to become killers? Maybe the exorcism didn't work because he was the one passing on the evil?

Seriously, we all agree, there's something wrong with that guy.

(Down thread) "And interesting about the biting that the kids do, early on in the movie (during the "Halloween" part) when the mother is talking to the father she says "did you just bite me?" "



The kids suffocated the parents in the plastic bags.


Yeah, actually a lot of the things that we see earlier in the movie come back in to play. A lot of it, the father taught the kids!


Trash bags for dead things.
The dragon/paper mask story.
The picking of the locks.
The tying of the knots.
The ability of the pills to induce comas.
The use of a baseball bat.

And interesting about the biting that the kids do, early on in the movie (during the "Halloween" part) when the mother is talking to the father she says "did you just bite me?"


Yeah, actually a lot of the things that we see earlier in the movie come back in to play. A lot of it, the father taught the kids!


Trash bags for dead things.
The dragon/paper mask story.
The picking of the locks.
The tying of the knots.
The ability of the pills to induce comas.
The use of a baseball bat.

Very creepy. Even creepier to think that parental teachings 'could' be utilized against any parent.

More science, less fiction.

I'm guilty of 'Z.'


I figured out some would come into play at some point (like the nails, fish) but I didn't expect a lot of them to be utilized in the end.


No, they didn't. They were still moving around and the bags were open at the ends.


I'm just curious about something the mom said in the film. She mentioned something about having moved to that house. Does that have anything to do with it?
