Shut Up during auditions Luther!

Am I the only one who gets annoyed at his eh, hey, eh, hey routine?

TEIAM - problem solved


no you're not. I felt like jumping through the TV screen and taping his mouth shut. Completely annoying to the nth degree!


so how did you feel about him tonight during the dance for your life with the popper? I wanted to strangle him! I wanted to strangle all of them. Can't they contain themselves? Talk about unprofessional.


I haven't seen it yet cause I'm in the US!!! BOOOOOOOOO

Sucks I have to wait for some kind canadian to upload it :D

TEIAM - problem solved


It's the most annoying thing ever. I don't remember this from previous seasons but it's driving me nuts this year.


no you're not. my mom and I can't stand this idiot. he is such an unprofessional classless judge too.


I am glad I not the only one who found that extremely irritating!
