MovieChat Forums > Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (2009) Discussion > Kinda really disappointed in the roster

Kinda really disappointed in the roster

Might as well start this off with what I'm sure many others are thinking-- Where is the Punisher??!

The first Ultimate Alliance (I'm going by xbox 360 version) had a roster of 25 playable characters BEFORE the additional 8 were added as downloadable content. Not only that, but they opted to use characters who are rarely/never seen in video games but in their own right are still badass Marvel characters (Blade, Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Luke Cage). Of course they had the faves like Spiderman and Iron Man in there too, and all in all it was a really awesome set of characters, especially when the downloadable ones were added later.

The new set, which starts off with 24 instead of 25, to me is not nearly as good a selection as the previous game. Gone are all those badass characters I mentioned above except for Luke Cage, and instead rather then using this opportunity to have a bunch of unused characters be playable (PUNISHER!) they instead threw in a bunch of characters that already appeared in xmen legends games -- Gambit, Jean, and Juggernaut, not to mention the other xmen characters that were in the first Ultimate Alliance as well.

Not to put down the xmen, but there are WAY too many of them appearing in these games (I counted 7 out of 24, nearly a third of the characters are from xmen. Marvel has a lot more characters than just xmen) while characters from other comics are getting screwed.

I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks this, but I really liked the first games roster a lot better. This new one has some cool underrated characters as well like Iron Fist and Penance, but it just seems to me that most the new characters aren't new at all and a lot of characters coming back weren't all that cool to begin with.


yea i know why would they even take away the ones they had already from the first one and they should had it where the ones you downloaded could alos be played on this one


I was hoping to see more villains. I like playing as bad guys. They might have chosen this roster based on key players in the Civil War arc. I don't know cuz I haven't read it.



As far as I see it, all they need is these 12 mandatory people in each of these games...
1. Spider Man
2. Iron Man
3. Hulk
4. Captain America
5. Fantastic Four
6. Ms Marvel
7. Thor
8-11. Fantastic Four
12. Wolverine

... and they could do whatever the hell they want with the rest of the roster, which I hope means picking people relevant to the comic storyline and the year it comes out in(Movie debuts, popularity increases, etc). According to those 3 criteria, they did a good job, the only person I can think of that doesn't fit any of those would be Jean, and she's an interesting addition anyway.




Remember in act 5 of MUA 1 Dr Dooms Takeover a whole bunch DIE or get CORRUPTED by DOOM/ODIN power
